.. |PyPiPackage| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pypugjs.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/pypugjs
.. |BuildStatus| image:: https://github.com/kakulukia/pypugjs/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/kakulukia/pypugjs/actions/workflows/tests.yml
.. |Coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/kakulukia/pypugjs/branch/master/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/kakulukia/pypugjs
PyPugJS is a fork of PyJade <http://github.com/syrusakbary/pyjade>
with the name Jade changed to PugJS <https://github.com/pugjs/pug>
Additional disclaimer: Since the original pypugjs died i took the liberty to keep it alive, because since starting to work with the jade compiler for node I hate writing HTML and want to continue using it in my Django projects. I will keep the existing non Django stuff inside the project, but I cannot support anything other since I'm not actively using it nor will be in the foreseeable future. Tornado, Mako etc. support will be welcome tho!
PyPugJS is a high performance port of PugJS for python, that converts any .pug source into different Template-languages (Django, Jinja2, Mako or Tornado).
To simply output the conversion to your console::
pypugjs [-c django|jinja|mako|tornado] input.pug [output.html]
To install pypugjs::
pip install pypugjs
Now simply name your templates with a .pug
extension and this PugJS compiler
will do the rest. Any templates with other extensions will not be compiled
with the pypugjs compiler.
Framework specific installation instructions <docs/installation.rst>
Generally the same as the PugJS Node module (except of cases and several other features, which are not implemented) https://github.com/pugjs/pug/blob/master/README.md
This code
.. code:: pug
!!! 5
title= pageTitle
if (foo) {
h1.title PugJS - node template engine
if youAreUsingPugJS
p You are amazing
p Get on it!
Converts to
.. code:: html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (foo) {
<h1 class="title">PugJS - node template engine</h1>
<div id="container">
{%if youAreUsingPugJS%}
<p>You are amazing</p>
<p>Get on it!</p>
Convert existing templates online with the HTML2Jade converter <http://www.html2jade.org/>
If you want to register a function as a filter, you only have to
decorate the function with pypugjs.register_filter("filter_name")
.. code:: python
import pypugjs
def capitalize(text, ast):
return text.capitalize()
Adding conditional classes:
.. code:: pug
a(class={'active-class': True, 'another': False})
Define mixins like this mixins/foo.pug:
.. code:: pug
mixin foo(data)
.foo {{ data }}
And use them in your templates like this:
.. code:: pug
include mixins/foo.pug
Mixins might not work, depending on the used Framework. The following have been reported as broken:
To start the testsuite, start the following commands::
make init
make test
See: https://github.com/kakulukia/pypugjs/issues
ChangeLog <docs/HISTORY.rst>