kalebmcc / Simon_Game

A web application that allows you to play a color sequence memory game.
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A web application that allows you to play a color sequence memory game.

Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 12 36 34 PM

Technologies Used


Install Instructions

-Go to the repository here: https://github.com/kalebmcc/Simon_Game
-Click the code button
-and get the clone code for HTTPS or SSH(depending on what you usually use)
-then in the Terminal "git clone {HTTPS or SSH Link}"
-you can then open the files in your chosen text editor

User Stories

-As a player, I want the game to start when I tell it to so that I am ready to play.
-As a player, I want the game to keep track of my score so that I can see how well I played.
-As a player, I want the game to have different difficulties so that I can try to win.
-As a player, I want the game to keep track of my past scores so that I can look back at my accomplishments.
-As a player, I want the game to tell me when I have hit the wrong square so that I know when I've messed up.


Wireframe Drawing

Unsolved Problems

-I was unable to figure out a way to track every click from the user to see if it was correct. It checks aftermatching the cpu array length.
-I was undecided which was better, because when the responses are low it is fun not to no if I got it wrong until I do all the inputs. Although, it seemed bothersome when the responses became longer and longer.