kaleido-io / kaleido-iden3-samples

Sample code for using the iden3 protocol to issue verifiable claims
Apache License 2.0
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Sample code for using the Iden3 protocol to issue verifiable claims and verify them.

This is the v2 version of the iden3 protocol. It adds support for the w3c verifiable credentials standard, plus the Profiles support.

Getting Started

The setup includes 4 components:

Deploy the state contract

Checkout the 6fd5f6d5b10be8d8d075206b3f5b43625971e924 commit hash of the contracts repository https://github.com/iden3/contracts

Add a kaleido network spec to the hardhat configuration file hardhat.config.ts:

    kaleido: {
      chainId: [chain ID of your Kaleido environment],
      url: "https://<appcreds name>:<appcreds password>@<environment ID>-<node ID>-rpc.us0-aws.kaleido.io",
      accounts: ["<private key hex of an Ethereum account>"]

Deploy using hardhat:

$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network kaleido
[ '======== StateV2: deploy started ========' ]
[ 'deploying verifier...' ]
  'Verifier contract deployed to address 0x5CDe7A583404bDdaF0Fda534Ab187d7dAb9d88F8 from 0xF1D44Cfc2400c9fC429E32861bd4439050c51623'
[ 'deploying poseidons...' ]
Poseidon1Elements deployed to: 0x824Bea121ef10aD3998Ef142B34D281F97Fb0618
Poseidon2Elements deployed to: 0x38D62962B27cfb561B125efcb55a63C29458e4EC
Poseidon3Elements deployed to: 0xdd46c0A974C994877B7fa93c00657480DDb42931
[ 'deploying SMT...' ]
[ 'Smt deployed to:  0x2DCd56940146B547C0C201B9BC8f68a29AC41D65' ]
[ 'deploying stateV2...' ]
Warning: Potentially unsafe deployment of StateV2

    You are using the `unsafeAllow.external-library-linking` flag to include external libraries.
    Make sure you have manually checked that the linked libraries are upgrade safe.

  'StateV2 contract deployed to address 0x4473e316be68B9Dc365c08d64880D0af6451120B from 0xF1D44Cfc2400c9fC429E32861bd4439050c51623'
[ '======== StateV2: deploy completed ========' ]

Take note of the state contract address from the above output, in this case 0x4473e316be68B9Dc365c08d64880D0af6451120B.

Issuer Server

The issuer server is made up of a number of microservices:

Building the issuer server

Checkout the v2.2.0 tag of the issuer server implementation from https://github.com/0xPolygonID/issuer-node.

To build the docker image on an arm architecture machine, such as MacBook m1, modify the Makefile to use the Dockerfile-arm for the docker build:

build/docker: ## Build the docker image.
    docker build \
        -f ./Dockerfile-arm \

On amd64 architecture machines, leave the Makefile as is.

Build the docker images for the server:

$ VERSION=latest make build/docker

Launching vault

You must launch the vault container first before launching the issuer server container, because the vault container will generate a new access token, to be configured on the issuer server in order to gain access to the vault API.

Go to the issuer folder.

$ docker compose up -d vault postgres redis
[+] Running 4/4
 ⠿ Network issuer_default       Created                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.0s
 ⠿ Container issuer-redis-1     Started                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.6s
 ⠿ Container issuer-vault-1     Started                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.7s
 ⠿ Container issuer-postgres-1  Started                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.7s

Get the access token from the vault container's logs:

$ docker logs issuer-vault-1
===== ENABLED IDEN3 =====

Take note of the token string above, in this case token:hvs.nlF96QkyMKmozv6aDLjINonq.

Create an issuer identity

We should first launch the platform service to create an issuer identity. First copy the env variable files that our issuer node needs to use.

cp .env-api.sample .env-api
cp .env-issuer.sample .env-issuer
cp .env-ui.sample .env-ui

Change the following in .env-issuer:

ISSUER_ETHEREUM_URL=<full URL to a Kaleido node RPC endpoint, including app creds>
ISSUER_ETHEREUM_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=<state contract address from the deploy task above>
ISSUER_KEY_STORE_TOKEN=<key store vault token that was obtained from the vault logs above>

Now we can launch the platform service

docker compose up -d platform

Finally, we send the following HTTP request to the platform service to create an identity in the issuer service (with basic auth using user-issuer:password-issuer):

curl 'localhost:3001/v1/identities' -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlci1pc3N1ZXI6cGFzc3dvcmQtaXNzdWVy' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "didMetadata": {
        "method": "iden3"


Take note of the identifier, which is the DID for the issuer to be used in subsequent steps. In this case, it is did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf.

Launching the publisher

To finalize launching our issuer service, we must have our pending state publisher running.

We first change the following contents in .env-api:

ISSUER_API_UI_ISSUER_DID=<Issuer DID that we obtained from the previous step>

We then launch the publisher service:

docker compose up -d pending_publisher

Verifier server

A sample verifier server is provided in the verifier folder.

Build the server binary:

$ make build

Create a configuration file with the following content. Be sure to fill out the information in the brackets (<>) and fill out ethContractAddress and self with information obtained from previous sections.

  publicURL: http://localhost:8000
  verificationKeysDir: <your path to parent folder>/kaleido-iden3-samples/verifier/pkg/circuits
  ethUrl: <full URL to a Kaleido node RPC endpoint, including app creds>
  ethContractAddress: <contract address obtained from previous section>
  publicHost: http://localhost:8000
  self: <issuer did obtained from previous section>

Launch the server:

$ ./verifier -f /tmp/config.yaml

If you are on an amd64 system, you can build the docker image and launch with Docker. Unfortunately docker build doesn't work on an arm64 architecture system.

Holder wallet

The holder wallet uses the js-sdk to mimic the behaviors of a holder's wallet.

It uses the following persistence layer:

Go to the holder/wallet folder.


$ npm i

Configure the wallet

Update the wallet config file v2/holder/wallet/lib/config.js to match the values for the target blockchain node and the state contract address.

Initialize the state contract

Due to a current limitation, the state contract won't function properly, until it has been primed with at least one identity state.

Use the following command to prime the new state contract with a temporary issuer identity and a credential. They are thrown away after the state is uploaded to the state contract, and are not involved with the functioning of the protocol.

$ node -r node-localstorage/register index.js --command init-contract
Using network: kaleido
Initializing SQLite DB
Initializing state contract
=> Creating temporary issuer identity
=> Creating temporary holder identity
=> Issuing a credential

=> Saving the new credential to the credential wallet
=> Adding the new credential to the merkle tree
=> Publishing the new state to the revocation service
=> Uploading the new state to blockchain
        Transaction ID: 0x9aecb034dc9bf812c759f7262d3cf970e6077f16ba73b56c6e781c9c6c5b4496

Creating the wallet identity

$ node -r node-localstorage/register index.js --command create-id
Using network: kaleido
Initializing SQLite DB
Creating identity
  identifier: 'did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH',
  state: Hash {
    bytes: Uint8Array(32) [
      140, 151, 234,  43, 149,  98, 252, 244,
       69, 132, 169, 229,  23, 173,  44,  20,
       37,  25, 245,  51, 225, 188,  94,  91,
        2,  51,  92,  67,   4,  59,  34,  47
  published: false,
  genesis: true
Inserting new entry to table Identities
W3CCredential {
  id: 'http://mytestwallet.com/aca8aa92-47ac-488b-bf56-7ffe34c2d31d',
  '@context': [
  type: [ 'VerifiableCredential', 'AuthBJJCredential' ],
  expirationDate: undefined,
  issuanceDate: '2023-07-13T15:49:37.824Z',
  credentialSubject: {
    x: '20551443941541039856779724878316235181494180027949146387804488665078182933995',
    y: '6940650171259878655194725047865445476240722585292155442891301287291079301320',
    type: 'AuthBJJCredential'
  issuer: 'did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH',
  credentialSchema: {
    id: 'https://schema.iden3.io/core/json/auth.json',
    type: 'JsonSchemaValidator2018'
  credentialStatus: {
    id: 'https://rhs-staging.polygonid.me',
    revocationNonce: 0,
    type: 'Iden3ReverseSparseMerkleTreeProof'
  proof: [
    Iden3SparseMerkleTreeProof {
      type: 'Iden3SparseMerkleTreeProof',
      mtp: [Proof],
      issuerData: [IssuerData],
      coreClaim: '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'
Inserting new entry to table Credentials
=============== user did ===============

Take note of the user DID string above, which is used as the holder DID in subsequent steps.

Issue a credential

Call the following issuer service API to issue a verifiable credential for the holder identity. For this call we are using the following identities:

curl 'localhost:3001/v1/did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf/claims' -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlci1pc3N1ZXI6cGFzc3dvcmQtaXNzdWVy' --data-raw '{
  "credentialSchema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json/KYCAgeCredential-v3.json",
  "type": "KYCAgeCredential",
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH",
    "birthday": 19960424,
    "documentType": 2
  "expiration": 1910106487


Download the credential to the wallet

To download the credential to the wallet, first generate a QR code for the credential offer object that the issuer service uses to interact with the wallet. The QR code encodes the object that contains the ID of the credential. The wallet must authenticate itself with the issuer service, by demonstrating its possession of the private key corresponding to the holder DID, in order to obtain the credential itself.

First call the issuer API to obtain the credential offer object and save the output into a qrcode using the qrencode tool:

curl 'localhost:3001/v1/did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf/claims/797c21b7-2197-11ee-9ce7-0242ac120005/qrcode' -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlci1pc3N1ZXI6cGFzc3dvcmQtaXNzdWVy' | qrencode -o qrcode.png

You can find information regarding qrencode here. You can install on macOS systems using brew:

brew install qrencode

Use the fetch-credential command to download the credential from the issuer service. The wallet sample code will generate an authentication proof (for the authV2 circuit) and send it to the endpoint contained in the credential offer object above (http://localhost:3001/v1/agent in this case). The issuer service verifies the proof to authenticate the wallet, and returns the promised credential identified by the body.credentials[0].id value.

$ node -r node-localstorage/register index.js --command fetch-credential --qrcode ./qrcode.png

Using network: kaleido
Initializing SQLite DB
Downloading offered verifiable credentials
Existing identities: [
    "identifier": "did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH",
    "state": "8c97ea2b9562fcf44584a9e517ad2c142519f533e1bc5e5b02335c43043b222f",
    "published": 0,
    "genesis": 1
    id: 'http://localhost:3001/v1/did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf/claims/797c21b7-2197-11ee-9ce7-0242ac120005',
    '@context': [
    type: [ 'VerifiableCredential', 'KYCAgeCredential' ],
    expirationDate: '2030-07-12T17:08:07Z',
    issuanceDate: '2023-07-13T16:08:15.702137458Z',
    credentialSubject: {
      birthday: 19960424,
      documentType: 2,
      id: 'did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH',
      type: 'KYCAgeCredential'
    credentialStatus: {
      id: 'http://localhost:3001/v1/did%3Aiden3%3AtVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf/claims/revocation/status/3835285175',
      revocationNonce: 3835285175,
      type: 'SparseMerkleTreeProof'
    issuer: 'did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf',
    credentialSchema: {
      id: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json/KYCAgeCredential-v3.json',
      type: 'JsonSchema2023'
    proof: [ [Object] ]
  id: 'http://localhost:3001/v1/did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf/claims/797c21b7-2197-11ee-9ce7-0242ac120005',
  '@context': [
  type: [ 'VerifiableCredential', 'KYCAgeCredential' ],
  expirationDate: '2030-07-12T17:08:07Z',
  issuanceDate: '2023-07-13T16:08:15.702137458Z',
  credentialSubject: {
    birthday: 19960424,
    documentType: 2,
    id: 'did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH',
    type: 'KYCAgeCredential'
  credentialStatus: {
    id: 'http://localhost:3001/v1/did%3Aiden3%3AtVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf/claims/revocation/status/3835285175',
    revocationNonce: 3835285175,
    type: 'SparseMerkleTreeProof'
  issuer: 'did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf',
  credentialSchema: {
    id: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json/KYCAgeCredential-v3.json',
    type: 'JsonSchema2023'
  proof: [
      type: 'BJJSignature2021',
      issuerData: [Object],
      coreClaim: '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',
      signature: '1d6cc275f7c9c1b937fb48d6476cc216a22cc981af640d2515fcb63471525f9d3a4ea667391dc2fa6f9faf45b5ceccef13a8c4166cd4d2db40b3166023472501'
Inserting new entry to table Credentials

Create a challenge object

Now we can use the verifiable credential obtained above, to create verifiable presentations for verifiers.

A verifier first presents a challenge. Call the following endpoint on the verifier service to obtain the challenge object:

curl 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/challenges' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "credentialSubject": {
        "birthday": {
            "$lt": 20021010
    "context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json-ld/kyc-v3.json-ld",
    "type": "KYCAgeCredential"
}' | qrencode -o challenge.png

If you want to use selective disclosure, use the following payload instead (omitting the condition inside the birthday property value signals the verifier's desire for selective disclosure rather than zero knowledge proof):

curl 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/challenges' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "credentialSubject": {
        "birthday": {}
    "context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json-ld/kyc-v3.json-ld",
    "type": "KYCAgeCredential"
}' | qrencode -o challenge.png

Now you can use the respond-to-challenge command to generate a proof based on the verifiable credential downloaded previously, and respond to the verifier's endpoint encoded in the challenge object, in this case http://localhost:8000/api/v1/verify?threadId=2a5b1926-b1c3-4c6a-b732-a01e6796474b.

$ node -r node-localstorage/register index.js --command respond-to-challenge --qrcode ./challenge.png
Using network: kaleido
Initializing SQLite DB
Respond to challenge
  "id": "2a5b1926-b1c3-4c6a-b732-a01e6796474b",
  "typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
  "type": "https://iden3-communication.io/authorization/1.0/request",
  "thid": "2a5b1926-b1c3-4c6a-b732-a01e6796474b",
  "body": {
    "callbackUrl": "http://localhost:8000/api/v1/verify?threadId=2a5b1926-b1c3-4c6a-b732-a01e6796474b",
    "reason": "challenge",
    "message": "482110307",
    "scope": [
        "id": 482110307,
        "circuitId": "credentialAtomicQuerySigV2",
        "optional": true,
        "query": {
          "allowedIssuers": [
          "context": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iden3/claim-schema-vocab/main/schemas/json-ld/kyc-v3.json-ld",
          "credentialSubject": {
            "birthday": {
              "$lt": 20021010
          "type": "KYCAgeCredential"
  "from": "did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf"
Existing identities: [
    "identifier": "did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH",
    "state": "8c97ea2b9562fcf44584a9e517ad2c142519f533e1bc5e5b02335c43043b222f",
    "published": 0,
    "genesis": 1
Using identity at index: 0
Auth Response: {
  id: 'f9c6f00e-34c2-4f43-82d9-d702018e58a4',
  typ: 'application/iden3-zkp-json',
  type: 'https://iden3-communication.io/authorization/1.0/response',
  thid: '2a5b1926-b1c3-4c6a-b732-a01e6796474b',
  body: { did_doc: undefined, message: '482110307', scope: [ [Object] ] },
  from: 'did:iden3:tNdgTFxGLkPXhXtppLZzsX7YJmE88aMbkPZusa3zH',
  to: 'did:iden3:tVE7RF655rj8Ws4rYCF2E32d46q575Gq2GHi2aKYf'
Sending the challenge response to callback URL: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/verify?threadId=2a5b1926-b1c3-4c6a-b732-a01e6796474b
Success response from the verifier server: {"status":200,"message":true}

Congratulations! Now you have completed the end to end flow of a Decentralized Identity use case.

For further reading: