kalekundert / autoclasstoc

Sphinx plugin to make easier-to-navigate class documentation.
MIT License
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It's surprisingly difficult to document large Python classes in a way that's easy for users to navigate. Most projects use the autodoc Sphinx plugin, which simply puts the complete documentation for each class member one after another. While this does fully document the class, it doesn't give the user a quick way to see everything the class can do. This makes classes of even moderate complexity difficult to navigate. It also encourages projects to be stingy about which class members to include in the documentation (e.g.
excluding special methods, inherited methods, private methods, and/or undocumented methods), to the further detriment of the user.

What's needed is for each class to have a succinct table of contents (TOC) that:

autoclasstoc provides a new Restructured Text directive that is all of these things. It also works well with autodoc and autogen, and should be easy to incorporate into any existing project.

See the complete documentation__ for more information (including examples).

__ https://autoclasstoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest