A pipeline that relaxes protein crystal structures in the Rosetta force field, using the B-factors in the structure to determine how much movement to allow.
Install nextflow:
May already be installed on your cluster
module load java
curl -s https://get.nextflow.io | bash
Install conda:
Enable the Gray Lab conda channel:
- https://{user}:{pass}@conda.graylab.jhu.edu
- conda-forge
- defaults
pip_interop_enabled: true
auto_activate_base: false
Prepare the inputs:
Adapt pipeline to your HPC environment:
-profile mycluster
for all nextflow jobs on your cluster:
# ~/.nextflow/config
profiles {
mycluster {
process.queue = {
task.memory >= '200 Gb' ? 'highmem' :
task.time > '120h' ? 'long' :
task.time > '12h' ? : 'medium' :
See https://github.com/nf-core/configs for more details.
Run the pipeline:
$ nextflow run kalekundert/rosetta_relax_b -profile conda,mycluster
Note that it's not necessary to manually download the repository hosting the pipeline. Nextflow will automatically download and cache the most recent version.
Right now, only the conda profile is supported.
Expect that it might take a long time to create the conda env. Installing PyRosetta requires a >1 GB download.
You might need to adapt this command to run on your HPC framework. See: https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/executor.html