kalhauge / jpamb

JPAMB: Java Program Analysis Micro Benchmarks
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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JPAMB: Java Program Analysis Micro Benchmarks

The goal of this benchmark suite is to make a collection of interesting micro-benchmarks to be solved by either dynamic or static analysis.

Rules of the Game

The goal is to build a program analysis that takes a method ID as an argument, and returns a list of lines, each line consisting of a query and a prediction separated by semicolon ;. A method ID is the fully qualified name of the class, the method name, ":", and then the method descriptor, for example:


And the query is one of:

query description
assertion error an execution throws an assertion error
ok an execution runs to completion
* an execution runs forever
divide by zero an execution divides by zero
out of bounds an execution index an array out of bounds
null pointer an execution throws an null pointer exeception

And the prediction is either a wager (-3, inf) (the number of points you want to bet on you being right) or a probability (30%, 72%)

Your analysis should look like this:

$> ./analysis "jpamb.cases.Simple.assertPositive:(I)V" 
divide by zero;5 

A wager is the number of points waged [-inf, inf] on your prediction. A negative wager is against the query, and a positive is for the query. A failed wager is subtracted from your points, however a successful wager is converted into points like so: $$\mathtt{points} = 1 - \frac{1}{\mathtt{wager} + 1}$$

If you are sure that the method being analyzed does not contain an "assertion error", you can wager -200 points. If you are wrong, and the program does exhibit an assertion error, you lose 200 point, but if you are correct, you gain $1 - 1 / 201 = 0.995$ points.

Below are some example values. Note that small wagers equal smaller risk.

wager points
0.00 0.00
0.25 0.20
0.50 0.33
1.00 0.50
3.00 0.75
9.00 0.90
99.00 0.99
inf 1.00

Examples of such scripts can be seen in solutions/.

You can also respond with a probability [0%: 100%], which is automatically converted into the optimal wager. An example of this is in solutions/apriori.py, which uses the distribution of errors from stats/distribution.csv to gain an advantage (which is cheating :D).

If you are curious, the optimal wager is found by solving the following quadratic function, where $p$ is the probability: $$(1 - p) \cdot \mathtt{wager} = p \cdot \mathtt{points} = p \cdot (1 - \frac{1}{\mathtt{wager} + 1})$$ And dividing by 2 to get the optimal wager: $$\mathtt{wager} = \frac{1 - 2 p }{2 (p - 1)}$$

prob wager
0% -inf
10% -8
25% -2
50% 0
75% 2
90% 8
100% inf


To get started evaluating your tool you can run the bin/evaluate.py script, it requires the click and loguru libraries and python 3.10 or above. You can install these dependencies using pip in your favorite environment.

$> python -m venv .venv
# on unix systems
$> source .venv/bin/activate
# or on windows
PS> .venv\Scripts\activate
# now install stuff
$> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-treesitter.txt
# And the utils
$> python -m pip install -e .

Furthermore, to do good time reporting it uses a C compiler to compile the program timer/sieve.c and execute it alongside the analyses to calibrate the results. Essentially, this computes a relative time (in relation to calculating the first 100,000 primes), as well as an absolute time. Make sure the environment variable CC is set to the name of your compiler, or that gcc is on your PATH.

First create a YAML file describing your experiment, see the sample.yaml file for an example. And then to evaluate your analysis you should be able to run:

$> python bin/evaluate.py experiment.yaml -o experiment.json

If you have problems getting started, please file an issue.


The instructions above should also work for windows, but it is less straight forward. The easy way out of this is to install Linux as a subsystem on your Windows machine. This is supported directly on Windows. This will require you to do all of your development in this environment though.

If you prefer staying in Windows land, here are some tips and pointers:

If you have any problems getting started on windows, please file an issue.


You can debug your code by running some of the methods or some of the tools, like this:

$> ./evaluate your-experiment.yaml --filter-methods=Simple --filter-tools=syntaxer -o experiment.json

Also, if you want more debug information you can add multiples -vvv to get more information.

Source code

The source code is located under the src/main/java. A simple solution that analyze the source code directly using the tree-sitter library is located at solutions/syntaxer.py.

Byte code

To write more advanced analysis it makes sense to make use of the byte-code. To lower the bar to entrance, the byte code of the benchmarks have already been decompiled by the jvm2json tool. The codec for the output is described here.

Some sample code for how to get started can be seen in solutions/bytecoder.py.


You can run an interpreter for each of the cases using the bin/test.py command.


Before making a pull-request, please run ./bin/build.py first. The easiest way to do that is to run use the nix tool to download all dependencies.

nix develop -c ./bin/build.py


To cite this work, please use the cite bottom on the right.