kallura / eurovision-votes

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Eurovision song contest voting system. The app has two function:

  1. Loads votes from the file and stores them under a year.
  2. Displays the voting results for the given country and year.


You will need to install java v1.8 and gradle, before you'll run app. Please see bellow, the installation example for Linux OS

//install java
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt update
sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer
javac -version
//install gradle
sdk install gradle 4.7
//install git
apt-get install git


Before you will use the app you will need to execute next commands:

git clone ${repo_url}
cd eurovision-votes
gradle clean
gradle eurovisionJar

Running the tests

gradle testClasses

Testing the app

Please, prepare the test data file with JSON like:


Run next command to load data:

cd build/libs
java -jar eurovision-votes-all-1.0.jar load ${full_path_to_data_file} ${year}

Run next command to see the results:

java -jar eurovision-votes-all-1.0.jar results ${country} ${year}