kalviumcommunity / compilerd

code judge
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 319 forks source link

Kalvium Kalvium

Table of contents :

  1. About The Project
  2. Quick Usage
  3. Contribution
  4. License

About The Project :

Compilerd is a online code judge for evaluating code submissions passed to it. It compiles and executes code in several languages and returns the result and various other properties in the response. The judge supports several languages including C++, Python, C, JavaScript (Node.js) and Java. This is a service that is build using nodejs and express in the backend. It is fully customizable and can be adjusted as per requirement. Also, it has been tried and tested on Google Cloud Run and it just works seamlessly.

Quick Usage :

We will run the project locally and try to make a request to see a sample use case :

Languages supported :

Contribution :


For local development we should have the following dependencies set up locally in our system

Setting up :

Making changes:

Running tests :

Guidelines :

License :