This project showcases the journey of Medicine on blockchain.
The Pharmaceutical supply chain is the sequence of activities and process to bring raw drugs and matrials from supplier(farms) to processed medicine in Pharm.
Admin : Admin register new users and assigne roles accourding to there work. Supplier : Supplier supply raw materials manufacturer by creating new batch with details of farm. Transporter : Transporter are responsible for shipping packages/consignment form one stage to other. Manufacturer : Manufacturer is responsible to manufacturer new medicine batches for shipping to either Wholesaler or Distribute, by updating information of raw materials details(like batchID and consumption units) that are use to manufacture new batch medicine and quantity. Wholesaler : Wholesaler is reponsible to receive medicine from Manufacturer and validate medicine quality, than transfer to Distributer. Distrubuter : Distributer is reponsible to distribute medicne to pharms and do varification on medicine quality and condition. Pharma : Pharma is reponsible to provide right medicine to customer as per doctor priscribed and update medicine status.
Setting up Ethereum Smart Contract:
git clone
cd Blockchain_SupplyChain/
Update truffle.js
module.exports =
host: "localhost",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*" // Match any network id
ropsten: {
provider: function() {
var mnemonic = "letter casino spread lawn water toward extend public gasp turn wave bone";//put ETH wallet 12 mnemonic code
return new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, ""+infuraKey);
gas: 8000000,
gasPrice: 60000000000,
network_id: '3'
Go to your project folder in terminal then execute :
rm -rf build/
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network ropsten reset
Please note:
Starting migrations...
> Network name: 'ropsten'
> Network id: 3
> Block gas limit: 8007811
transaction hash: 0x22a002f941602ff792cb66ea26b7c9acea8fbde14a7343789e0ae4b349a9ff75 Blocks: 1 Seconds: 109 contract address: 0xC30C388ceD2f27691B1aD0E70c1B51D726343acb account: 0xdd56707585Bd9392500bBb30eEf767fb33299FF8 balance: 4.00294387495 gas used: 283300 gas price: 60 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.016998 ETH
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.016998 ETH
[ '0xdd56707585Bd9392500bBb30eEf767fb33299FF8' ]
transaction hash: 0xd05404fd8a8481e4c867052760f14b5b290473848a9956873df52785819e4946 Blocks: 2 Seconds: 9 contract address: 0xE384741Cb0346543D8f7d5b72d0ff3663FC548d4 account: 0xdd56707585Bd9392500bBb30eEf767fb33299FF8 balance: 3.61046395495 gas used: 6499304 gas price: 60 gwei value sent: 0 ETH total cost: 0.38995824 ETH
Saving migration to chain. Saving artifacts
Total cost: 0.38995824 ETH
Total deployments: 2 Final cost: 0.40695624 ETH
#### Blockchain SupplyChain UI:
**Setting up SupplyChain UI:**
git clone cd Pharmaceutical_Supplychain-UI/ npm i ng serve