Use google BERT to do CoNLL-2003 NER !
Train model using Python and Inference using C++
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python --data_dir=data/ --bert_model=bert-base-cased --task_name=ner --output_dir=out_base --max_seq_length=128 --do_train --num_train_epochs 5 --do_eval --warmup_proportion=0.1
precision recall f1-score support
PER 0.9677 0.9745 0.9711 1842
LOC 0.9654 0.9711 0.9682 1837
MISC 0.8851 0.9111 0.8979 922
ORG 0.9299 0.9292 0.9295 1341
avg / total 0.9456 0.9534 0.9495 5942
precision recall f1-score support
PER 0.9635 0.9629 0.9632 1617
ORG 0.8883 0.9097 0.8989 1661
LOC 0.9272 0.9317 0.9294 1668
MISC 0.7689 0.8248 0.7959 702
avg / total 0.9065 0.9209 0.9135 5648
precision recall f1-score support
ORG 0.9288 0.9441 0.9364 1341
LOC 0.9754 0.9728 0.9741 1837
MISC 0.8976 0.9219 0.9096 922
PER 0.9762 0.9799 0.9781 1842
avg / total 0.9531 0.9606 0.9568 5942
precision recall f1-score support
LOC 0.9366 0.9293 0.9329 1668
ORG 0.8881 0.9175 0.9026 1661
PER 0.9695 0.9623 0.9659 1617
MISC 0.7787 0.8319 0.8044 702
avg / total 0.9121 0.9232 0.9174 5648
from bert import Ner
model = Ner("out_base/")
output = model.predict("Steve went to Paris")
"confidence": 0.9981840252876282,
"tag": "B-PER",
"word": "Steve"
"confidence": 0.9998939037322998,
"tag": "O",
"word": "went"
"confidence": 0.999891996383667,
"tag": "O",
"word": "to"
"confidence": 0.9991968274116516,
"tag": "B-LOC",
"word": "Paris"
install cmake
, tested with cmake
version 3.10.2
unzip downloaded model and libtorch
Compile C++ App
cd cpp-app/
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=../libtorch
Runing APP
./app ../base
NB: Bert-Base C++ model is split in to two parts.
jit trace
don't support input
depended for
loop or if
conditions inside forword
function of model
.BERT NER model deployed as rest api
API will be live at
endpoint predict
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "text": "Steve went to Paris" }'
"result": [
"confidence": 0.9981840252876282,
"tag": "B-PER",
"word": "Steve"
"confidence": 0.9998939037322998,
"tag": "O",
"word": "went"
"confidence": 0.999891996383667,
"tag": "O",
"word": "to"
"confidence": 0.9991968274116516,
"tag": "B-LOC",
"word": "Paris"