kameshsampath / kind-nodeport-controller

Kind NodePort Controller - An helper to expose kubernetes services in kind to host
MIT License
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developer-tools development kind kubernetes quarkusio

= Kind NodePort Helper

With a https://kubernetes.io[Kubernetes] cluster using https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/[kind], there is no direct way to access the kubernetes services. With Docker for Mac it becomes even more difficult as the Docker for Mac the docker0 bridge is not exposed.

WARNING: Not for production use

== Pre-requisites

== Start a kind cluster


mkdir ~/demo cd ~/demo export KUBECONFIG=~/demo/.kube/config kind create cluster --name demo

NOTE: Wait for kind cluster to get started

A successful start will show the following output for kubectl get nodes


NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME demo-control-plane Ready master 13h v1.18.2 Ubuntu 19.10 4.19.76-linuxkit containerd://1.3.3-14-g449e9269

== Running the application

You can run your application using:


./mvnw clean package java -Ddev.kameshs.watcher.kind-name=demos \ -jar target/kind-node-controller-runner.jar

This will run the application in port 8080, if you need to change the port and run on 9090 please do run as:


./mvnw clean package java -Dquarkus.http.port=9090 \ -Ddev.kameshs.watcher.kind-name=demos \ -jar target/kind-node-controller-runner.jar

== Deploy Demo App


create demos namespace

kubectl create ns demos

shift to demos namespace

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=demos

deploy demo app

kubectl apply -f example/app.yaml

Once the application is deployed successfully, check the Kubernetes services to know the NodePort:


kubectl get svc -n demos

== Expose NodePort to localhost

To access the service myapp using its NodePort from the host, run the following API call(assumes the kind-node-controller application is running on 8080)


curl localhost:8080/service/expose/demos

If you do a docker ps, you will notice a small node-port-controller container named demos-myapp-demos-tcp-8080-32120 will be started.

NOTE: The NodePort 32120 in the above example might vary in your deployment

== Accessing the service

Now to access the service from your local host just do localhost:32120 which should return an response like Aloha b4e860e505b3:1

== Open Issues

This project is still under lots of development, please check the https://github.com/kameshsampath/kind-nodeport-controller/issues[issues] to open new one or check existing ones.

== Powered By

This project is built using Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.

If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its website: https://quarkus.io/.