kamildanak / EnderPay

Minecraft mod that adds economy to forge servers.
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 10 forks source link


Balance HUD

EnderPay adds economy to forge servers. The diffculty that appers when one wants to add economy to the server is where the credits should come from. To solve that problem EnderPay introduces basic income and stamped money.

By default the user gets 100 credits on first login, and 50 for each (real time) day, as long as they login at least once every 6 days. Each day 1% of user balance is taken from him and 1% of each banknote's value is lost. The amount of tax taken each day is configurable (as well as other values)

Crafting recipes

This mod allows you to craft blank banknote with the following recipe.

Banknote crafting recipe

Right click with blank banknote in your hand to open GUI where you can enter the amount of credits to fill the banknote with.


/balance - Check account balance /pay - Pay another player money from your account /wallet balance - Check another player's account balance /wallet give - Add credits to player's account /wallet take - Take credits from player's account /wallet set - Set player's account balance

See also



  1. Install Minecraft forge.
  2. Put the mod's .jar file you downloaded into the mods directory.


This mod is available under GPL2. You are allowed to include it into mod packs of any kind, without asking for permission.