kamilkp / ng2-vs-for

Virtual Scroll repeater for Angular2
MIT License
42 stars 25 forks source link

ng2-vs-for 1.1.1 npm version

Use verion 1.1.x with angular2.0.0-rc

Use version 1.0.11 with angular2.0.0-beta

This is a port of https://github.com/kamilkp/angular-vs-repeat for Angular2

The name stands for Virtual Scroll For. It manipulates the collection you want to ngFor over in a way that only elements that are actually visible for the user are rendered in the DOM. So if you repeat over a thousand items only a few of them are rendered in the DOM, because the user can't see the rest anyway. And it takes time for the browser to render so many elements, which also might have some event listeners/bindings etc. So you should see a considerable boost in performance.


npm install ng2-vs-for


Basic usage: all items shall have the same height

<div *vsFor="items; let _items = vsCollection">
    <div *ngFor="let item of _items">
        <!-- item html here -->

Items have various sizes but they are known up front (calculatable based on their properties)

import {VsFor} from 'ng2-vs-for';
import {Component} from 'angular2/core';

    selector: 'some-component',
    directives: [VsFor],
    template: `
        <div *vsFor="items; size:getSize; let _items = vsCollection">
            <div *ngFor="let item of _items">
                <!-- item html here -->

    inputs: ['items']

export class SomeComponent {
    items: any;
    getSize(item, index) {
        let size;
        // ... do some calculations here
        return size;

The getSize could either be a number (or string castable to number) or a function on your component. If it's a function it will be called for each item in the original collection with two arguments: item (the item in the collection), and index (the index in the original collection). This function shall return a number - the height in pixels of the item.

Local variables

The vsFor directive is a structural directive and it exposes two local variables:


Other parameters that you can pass to the vsFor directive:

Example with some more parameters:

    <tbody *vsFor="items; size:getSize; tagName:'tr'; autoresize:true; scrollParent:'window'; excess:3; #_items = vsCollection; #_startIndex = vsStartIndex">
        <tr *ngFor="#item of _items; #i = index">
            {{ i + _startIndex }} <!-- the actual index in the original collection  -->