kamrann / KantanUE4VS

Visual Studio extension for UE4 coding.
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Kantan UE4VS

Visual Studio extension providing various UE4 coding related functionality.

UE4 Code Elements

Accessed via View | Other Windows | UE4 Code Elements, default shortcut Ctrl+Alt+U; or through toolbar 'KantanUE4VS'.

Currently supports adding types (UCLASS, USTRUCT, UINTERFACE, raw C++ class/struct), empty source files shell, modules (sets up build file and basic module boilerplate code, and updates .uproject/.uplugin) and plugins (just adds a plugin folder and descriptor, after which you can add modules).

UE4 Property Visualizer

Does truly evil things to enable viewing of UE4 properties in the VS watch windows when debugging. This lets you examine contents of Blueprint variables inside UObjects when stepping through C++ code.

NOTE: I released this as its own extension previously. It's now updated for VS 2017 and appears to be more stable than before, but be warned there may still be issues, especially if low level changes are made to UE4 engine types in new UE4 versions. It can also be somewhat slow. Can be disabled from the extension options page.

Extension Options

A few configuration settings are available via Tools | Options | KantanUE4VS.

Current issues and limitations