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Software Engineering Project A Unit Repo.
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Software Engineering Project A Unit Outline

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Unit Summary

Note that the lectures are to be conducted live online via Canvas/Collaborate-Ultra.

In general, project meetings in project teams (with or without the project supervisor, or with the client) may be conducted on campus (eg, in the library), on client site or online, with agreement from all involved.


Students will consolidate and build on skills and knowledge gained in previous related studies and team work and apply these to a practical application and/or research project.\ Students will also present results and/or findings in a substantial piece of work.

Unit Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:

  1. Apply professional practice, including active and consistent participation, delivery of technical presentations, reflection, and adherence to ethical codes of conduct as a member of a software development team\ [K3, K6, A1, A2, and A5]
  2. Apply software engineering methods and contemporary software development tools to the scoping, analysis, and design of a software system to meet client needs\ [K4, K5, S1, S2, S3, and A4]
  3. Communicate proficiently with project stakeholders, and function as an effective member or leader of a development team in project scoping, analysis and design activities\ [S2, S3, A2, and A7]
  4. Conduct a critical analysis and evaluation of aspects relevant to a software development project and justify implications for project directions\ [S4, A5, and A6]

Graduate Attributes

This unit may contribute to the development of the following Swinburne Graduate Attributes:


Unit Improvements

Feedback provided by previous students through the Student Survey has resulted in improvements that have been made to this unit.\ Recent improvements include:

Learning and Teaching Structure

Activity Total Hours Hours per Week Teaching Period Weeks
Lecture, Reviews and Presentations 24 2 1 to 12
Supervisor Meetings 12 1 1 to 12
Team Meetings 12 1 1 to 12
Project Work 102 8.5
1 to 12

The "Project Work" and "Team Meeting" activities may require more time during some weeks of the semester and less in others.\ Students are advised to plan the work in this Unit of Study based on time commitments in other Units of Study.

Week by Week Schedule

The following schedule is provisional and some of the lecture topics may change subject to availability of guest lecturers and the needs of the subject.

Week Week Beginning Teaching and Learning Activity
1 Feb 27 Introduction
2 Mar 6 Teamwork and Client
3 Mar 13 Preparing for Leadership
4 Mar 20 Process and Quality
5 Mar 27 System Requirements and Design
6 Apr 3 Project Status Review/Team
Leaders Forum
Apr 6-12 Mid-Semester Break Week
7 Apr 17 To Be Advised
8 Apr 24 Developing Presentations
9 May 2 To Be Advised
10 May 9 To Be Advised
11 May 16 To Be Advised
12 May 23 Team Presentations (3)


Assessment Overview

Tasks and Details Individual or Group Weighting Related Learning Outcomes
Portfolio comprising:
Project Reports
Project Presentations
Team participation
Completed in groups.
Individual and Group 100% 1-4

Minimum requirements to pass this Unit

To pass this unit, you must achieve an overall mark for the unit of 50% or more.


There are no formal examinations in this Unit of Study.

Submission Requirements

Assignments and other assessments are generally submitted online through the Canvas assessment submission system which integrates with the Turn-it-in plagiarism checking service.

Please ensure you keep a copy of all assessments that are submitted.

In cases where a hard copy submission is required an Assessment Cover Sheet must be submitted with your assignment.\ The standard Assessment Cover Sheet is available from the Submitting work webpage or\ https://www.swinburne.edu.au/studentforms/

Extensions and Late Submission

Extensions to assessable items will only be granted in exceptional circumstances on medical or compassionate grounds.\ Extensions must be applied for in advance of the assessable item's due date and the convener of this Unit of Study must approve the extension in writing.

Where submissions are group submissions no extensions will be granted.

Late Submissions: unless an extension has been explicitly granted by the Unit of Study convener, you cannot submit an assessable item after the due date.\ If this does occur, you will be penalised 10% of the assessments worth for each calendar day the task is late - up to a maximum of 5 days.\ After 5 days a zero result will be recorded.\ Feedback or comments from the marker will generally not be available on assignments that are submitted after five working days past the published deadline.


To avoid plagiarism, you are required to provide a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work.

Referencing conventions for assessable documents are to be negotiated with the project supervisor in advance.

Helpful information on referencing can be found at:\ http://www.swinburne.edu.au/library/referencing/

Group Work Guidelines

A group assignment is the collective responsibility of the entire group, and if one member is temporarily unable to contribute, the group should be able to reallocate responsibilities to keep to schedule.\ In the event of longer-term illness or other serious problems involving a member of group, it is the responsibility of the other members to notify immediately the Unit Convenor or relevant tutor/supervisor.

Group submissions must be submitted with an Assignment Cover Sheet, signed by all members of the group.

All group members must be satisfied that the work has been correctly submitted.\ Any penalties for late submission will generally apply to all group members, not just the person who submitted.

Students are encouraged to use unallocated time between the lecture and tutorial for assignment work with their group!

Required Textbook(s)

There is no required text book for this Unit of Study.

Recommended Reading Materials

The Library has a large collection of resource materials, both texts and current journals.\ Listed below are some references that will provide valuable supplementary information to this unit.\ It is also recommended that you explore other sources to broaden your understanding.