kandashi / Active-Auras

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Active Auras will propagate Active Effects that are labeled as auras onto nearby tokens. The distance and targeting of the aura are both configurable. Any @ fields from DAE will be correctly parsed before being applied to the effected token. Macros from DAE will fire once when applied and once when removed (work is being done for damage over time effects)

The "Apply while inactive" option allows for effects to propagate to other tokens while not applying to the Aura Token. This is useful for debuff style effects that should not effect the owner of the effect

Demo setup for Aura of Protection

-Finally we can see the effect has been transfered over to a nearly allied PC, and the @ field has been converted to the correct value Active Auras setup 3

Active Auras in concert with Token Magic FX and DAE

-Adding TMFX effects to tokens can be done with DAE -We can use macro.tokenMagic as the Attribute Key and select the effect from the avaliable dropdown

Active Aura TMFX

Active Aura Test

DAE Macro Executes


Templates and drawings

Custom evaluation conditions

You can provide a custom javascript check to evaluate if the aura should be transfered. You can access token, actor, system, rollData, and auraEntity from within this evaluation, which will refer to the token data, and the actor the aura is evaluating on.

To apply to only goblinoids:

['goblinoid','goblin'].includes(system.details?.type?.subtype ?? system.details?.race.toLowerCase())

If the origin was a Token you can check auraEntity.document.actor for the originating aura actor, or auraEntity.document for the TokenDocument.
