kandashi / Active-Token-Lighting

MIT License
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Active Token Effects works as active effects for token data. This means any token data can be controlled through an Active Effect: size, lighting, vision, image etc.

You can use the syntax ATL.X as the attribute key for the active effect. Where X is the data path you wish to change. For example to change dimSight on a token use ATL.sight.dim as the attribute key

There are 3 preset values for torch, lantern and candle. Use ATL.preset and value of the name in lowercase torch, lantern, candle and flashlight. These will override custom values set in other flags.

Works very well alongside DAE for equip-toggle effects (Goggles of Night for example) or with Midi QoL for consumables (like torches)

System Compatibility

Most game systems work out-of-the-box, including those using the new active effect transferral mode introduced in Foundry v11. There is, hoever, some code for specific systems to improve compatibility:

Premade Items

These are made and (and only compatible with) the dnd5e system, but the syntax will apply across all systems.


Modes will act the same as standard active effects. Note that any effect with a non-numeric value, eg light animation, will require OVERRIDE.

Altering presets or adding new ones