kandluis / sap2000

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sap2000 is not working through python #2

Closed krish5451 closed 2 years ago

krish5451 commented 4 years ago

I have got this code from the documentation of CSI python example but i try to run so many time but it is showing error like this i dont know what to do can you please help me or guide me for this ============= RESTART: C:\Users\krish\Documents\SAP2000\sad\exa.py ============= Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\krish\Documents\SAP2000\sad\exa.py", line 73, in helper = comtypes.client.CreateObject('SAP2000v21.Helper') File "C:\Users\krish\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\comtypes\client__init__.py", line 227, in CreateObject clsid = comtypes.GUID.from_progid(progid) File "C:\Users\krish\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\comtypes\GUID.py", line 78, in from_progid _CLSIDFromProgID(str(progid), byref(inst)) File "_ctypes/callproc.c", line 948, in GetResult OSError: [WinError -2147221005] Invalid class string

`import os

import sys

import comtypes.client

set the following flag to True to attach to an existing instance of the program

otherwise a new instance of the program will be started

AttachToInstance = False

set the following flag to True to manually specify the path to SAP2000.exe

this allows for a connection to a version of SAP2000 other than the latest installation

otherwise the latest installed version of SAP2000 will be launched

SpecifyPath = False

if the above flag is set to True, specify the path to SAP2000 below

ProgramPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Computers and Structures\SAP2000 21\SAP2000.exe'

full path to the model

set it to the desired path of your model

APIPath = 'C:\CSiAPIexample'

if not os.path.exists(APIPath):



    except OSError:


ModelPath = APIPath + os.sep + 'API_1-001.sdb'

if AttachToInstance:

#attach to a running instance of SAP2000


    #get the active SapObject

    mySapObject = comtypes.client.GetActiveObject("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject")

except (OSError, comtypes.COMError):

    print("No running instance of the program found or failed to attach.")



#create API helper object

helper = comtypes.client.CreateObject('SAP2000v21.Helper')

helper = helper.QueryInterface(comtypes.gen.SAP2000v1.cHelper)

if SpecifyPath:


        #'create an instance of the SAPObject from the specified path

        mySapObject = helper.CreateObject(ProgramPath)

    except (OSError, comtypes.COMError):

        print("Cannot start a new instance of the program from " + ProgramPath)




        #create an instance of the SAPObject from the latest installed SAP2000

        mySapObject = helper.CreateObjectProgID("CSI.SAP2000.API.SapObject")

    except (OSError, comtypes.COMError):

        print("Cannot start a new instance of the program.")


#start SAP2000 application


create SapModel object

SapModel = mySapObject.SapModel

initialize model


create new blank model

ret = SapModel.File.NewBlank()

define material property


ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMaterial('CONC', MATERIAL_CONCRETE)

assign isotropic mechanical properties to material

ret = SapModel.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic('CONC', 3600, 0.2, 0.0000055)

define rectangular frame section property

ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetRectangle('R1', 'CONC', 12, 12)

define frame section property modifiers

ModValue = [1000, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

ret = SapModel.PropFrame.SetModifiers('R1', ModValue)

switch to k-ft units

kip_ft_F = 4

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_ft_F)

add frame object by coordinates

FrameName1 = ' '

FrameName2 = ' '

FrameName3 = ' '

[FrameName1, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, FrameName1, 'R1', '1', 'Global')

[FrameName2, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 16, FrameName2, 'R1', '2', 'Global')

[FrameName3, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.AddByCoord(-4, 0, 10, 0, 0, 10, FrameName3, 'R1', '3', 'Global')

assign point object restraint at base

PointName1 = ' '

PointName2 = ' '

Restraint = [True, True, True, True, False, False]

[PointName1, PointName2, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName1, PointName1, PointName2)

ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName1, Restraint)

assign point object restraint at top

Restraint = [True, True, False, False, False, False]

[PointName1, PointName2, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName2, PointName1, PointName2)

ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetRestraint(PointName2, Restraint)

refresh view, update (initialize) zoom

ret = SapModel.View.RefreshView(0, False)

add load patterns


ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('1', LTYPE_OTHER, 1, True)

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('2', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, True)

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('3', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, True)

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('4', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, True)

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('5', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, True)

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('6', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, True)

ret = SapModel.LoadPatterns.Add('7', LTYPE_OTHER, 0, True)

assign loading for load pattern 2

[PointName1, PointName2, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName3, PointName1, PointName2)

PointLoadValue = [0,0,-10,0,0,0]

ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName1, '2', PointLoadValue)

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName3, '2', 1, 10, 0, 1, 1.8, 1.8)

assign loading for load pattern 3

[PointName1, PointName2, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName3, PointName1, PointName2)

PointLoadValue = [0,0,-17.2,0,-54.4,0]

ret = SapModel.PointObj.SetLoadForce(PointName2, '3', PointLoadValue)

assign loading for load pattern 4

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, '4', 1, 11, 0, 1, 2, 2)

assign loading for load pattern 5

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, '5', 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 'Local')

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, '5', 1, 2, 0, 1, -2, -2, 'Local')

assign loading for load pattern 6

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName1, '6', 1, 2, 0, 1, 0.9984, 0.3744, 'Local')

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadDistributed(FrameName2, '6', 1, 2, 0, 1, -0.3744, 0, 'Local')

assign loading for load pattern 7

ret = SapModel.FrameObj.SetLoadPoint(FrameName2, '7', 1, 2, 0.5, -15, 'Local')

switch to k-in units

kip_in_F = 3

ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_in_F)

save model

ret = SapModel.File.Save(ModelPath)

run model (this will create the analysis model)

ret = SapModel.Analyze.RunAnalysis()

initialize for Sap2000 results

SapResult= [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

[PointName1, PointName2, ret] = SapModel.FrameObj.GetPoints(FrameName2, PointName1, PointName2)

get Sap2000 results for load cases 1 through 7

for i in range(0,7):

  NumberResults = 0

  Obj = []

  Elm = []

  ACase = []

  StepType = []

  StepNum = []

  U1 = []

  U2 = []

  U3 = []

  R1 = []

  R2 = []

  R3 = []

  ObjectElm = 0;

  ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput()

  ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.SetCaseSelectedForOutput(str(i+1))

  if i <= 3:

      [NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3, ret] = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName2, ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3)

      SapResult[i] = U3[0]


      [NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3, ret] = SapModel.Results.JointDispl(PointName1, ObjectElm, NumberResults, Obj, Elm, ACase, StepType, StepNum, U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3)

      SapResult[i] = U1[0]

close Sap2000

ret = mySapObject.ApplicationExit(False)

SapModel = None

mySapObject = None

fill independent results

IndResult= [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

IndResult[0] = -0.02639

IndResult[1] = 0.06296

IndResult[2] = 0.06296

IndResult[3] = -0.2963

IndResult[4] = 0.3125

IndResult[5] = 0.11556

IndResult[6] = 0.00651

fill percent difference

PercentDiff = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

for i in range(0,7):

  PercentDiff[i] = (SapResult[i] / IndResult[i]) - 1

display results

for i in range(0,7):






xcc2018 commented 3 years ago

Hi It seems that 'SAP2000v21.Helper' has not been included in the current version of comtypes. Instead, you can change to 'SAP2000v20.Helper', which also works on sap v21.

krish5451 commented 2 years ago

Hi It seems that 'SAP2000v21.Helper' has not been included in the current version of comtypes. Instead, you can change to 'SAP2000v20.Helper', which also works on sap v21.

Thanks 👍 but it was shorted out by SAP2000v1.Helper