kandrelczyk / twili-recipes

Twili Recipes
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Twili Recipes

Recipes done The Way I Like It.

Simple app to help you with cooking.

Twili is not just a recipe manager. It's a cooking assistant app focusing maily on ease of use. It's main features include:

This project is still under development.

It currently supports NextCloud and local device for storage. ChatGPT LLM is supported. Other clound and LLM service can be easily added.

Add Recipe Recipe step Main Screen


Intallers are available at Github


Follow the typical Tauri setup process for your platform. Install all dependencies listed in prerequisites.

Install trunk (cargo install trunk) and tailwindcss (npm install -g tailwindcss).

Add wasm target (rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown)

Desktop app

Make sure you have tauri-cli updated to the latestes version.

Run cargo tauri dev


In case having problems with running cargo tauri dev make sure you have following things installed:

Android app

To build the app for Android on Linux insert following into .bashrc:

export JAVA_HOME={java home}
export ANDROID_HOME={android home}
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME={android NDK home}

export TOOLCHAIN=$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
export TARGET=aarch64-linux-android
export API=33

export AR=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm-ar
export CC=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang
export AS=$CC
export CXX=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/$TARGET$API-clang++
export LD=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/ld
export RANLIB=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm-ranlib
export STRIP=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/llvm-strip

export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin

Run cargo tauri android init and cargo tauri android dev

Signing apk file

Follow instructions at https://next--tauri.netlify.app/next/guides/distribution/sign-android/ You can use the included local.properties and build.gradle.kts template files.

Copy AndroidManifest_template.xml to src-tauri/gen/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.

Copy local.properties_template to src-tauri/gen/android/local.properties.

Copy app_build.gradle.kts_template to src-tauri/gen/android/app/build.gradle.kts. Don't forget to change namespace and applicationId parameters in the grandle build template.

Integration tests

Install tauri-driver and WebKitWebDriver (https://tauri.app/v1/guides/testing/webdriver/introduction). Build the app using cargo tauri build. Run the test using cargo test.


Twili Recipes application is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.