kanishk-adapt / semeval-task10

Repo for SemEval Task #10 EDOS 2023. created and maintained for DCU - ADAPT submissions
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About The REPO

This repoistory is a collaborative effort by the DCU - ADAPT Team for the EDOS 2023 SemEval Task-10 shared task.

Folder Structure

  1. src/ -> scripts for all three tasks with transformer models
  2. soc_sci_exp/ -> scripts and excel sheets with responses from 3 social science expert annotators and Chat-GPT and FLAN-T5 (large)
  3. scripts -> scripts for experiments with baseline system and augmentation of training data


Python3 modules: gensim nltk numpy pandas scikit-learn spacy xgboost transformers sentence-transformers torch

(SpaCy is only needed if requesting its tokeniser with train.py --tokeniser, or making predictions with a model that was trained with this option.)

NLTK asks to further run inside python:

import nltk

Spacy instructions say to run

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

TODO: do we need this model? We only use the tokeniser.


See task specific README.md in src/ directory




If you use this code or the released models, please cite our paper to appear at SemEval 2023.
