kankaristo / atom-multi-cursor-plus

Improved multi-cursor functionality for Atom: https://atom.io/packages/multi-cursor-plus
MIT License
20 stars 1 forks source link



Hate reaching for the mouse? multi-cursor-plus allows you to create multiple cursors anywhere in the buffer, using only your keyboard. Supports multiple selections and removing previous cursors at any time. Easy to use. Amazing!

multi-cursor-plus showcase

To avoid conflicts with Atom's core and other packages, this package does not define any key bindings by default.

See the Key bindings section for a set of "recommended" key bindings.


The basic usage of this package (with the "recommended" key bindings) goes like this:

To remove one of the cursors, just mark it again!

The package provides all the usual movement and selection commands. You can move to the beginning of the line with Alt-Home, select text while holding down Alt-Shift, etc.

In short: do everything you normally do, just add the Alt key.

This package is meant for "keyboard only" navigation. Atom already has support for multiple cursors if you use the mouse (Ctrl-click). This works seamlessly with multi-cursor-plus.


  1. Go to Settings > Install and search for multi-cursor-plus.
  2. Add key bindings to ~/.atom/keymap.cson (also available via Settings > Keybindings > "your keymap file"). You can start with the "recommended" key bindings below and customize them to your liking.

Key bindings

Below is a "recommended" set of key bindings, which you can add to your keymap.cson. Please note that these key bindings override some of Atom's default keybindings.

'atom-workspace atom-text-editor':
  # Unset editor keybindings (conflict with multi-cursor-plus)
  'alt-left':        'unset!'
  'alt-right':       'unset!'
  'alt-shift-left':  'unset!'
  'alt-shift-right': 'unset!'

'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
  # Unset editor keybindings (conflict with multi-cursor-plus)
  'alt-shift-up': 'unset!'
  'alt-shift-down': 'unset!'

  # Key bindings for multi-cursor-plus
  'alt-x':                'multi-cursor-plus:mark'
  'alt-up':               'multi-cursor-plus:move-up'
  'alt-down':             'multi-cursor-plus:move-down'
  'alt-left':             'multi-cursor-plus:move-left'
  'alt-right':            'multi-cursor-plus:move-right'
  'ctrl-alt-left':        'multi-cursor-plus:move-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-alt-right':       'multi-cursor-plus:move-to-end-of-word'
  'alt-home':             'multi-cursor-plus:move-to-first-character-of-line'
  'alt-end':              'multi-cursor-plus:move-to-end-of-line'
  'ctrl-alt-home':        'multi-cursor-plus:move-to-top'
  'ctrl-alt-end':         'multi-cursor-plus:move-to-bottom'
  'alt-shift-up':         'multi-cursor-plus:select-up'
  'alt-shift-down':       'multi-cursor-plus:select-down'
  'alt-shift-left':       'multi-cursor-plus:select-left'
  'alt-shift-right':      'multi-cursor-plus:select-right'
  'ctrl-alt-shift-left':  'multi-cursor-plus:select-to-beginning-of-word'
  'ctrl-alt-shift-right': 'multi-cursor-plus:select-to-end-of-word'
  'alt-shift-home':       'multi-cursor-plus:select-to-first-character-of-line'
  'alt-shift-end':        'multi-cursor-plus:select-to-end-of-line'
  'ctrl-alt-shift-home':  'multi-cursor-plus:select-to-top'
  'ctrl-alt-shift-end':   'multi-cursor-plus:select-to-bottom'

Also recommended:
Substitute up/down/left/right with i/k/j/l or w/s/a/d so you don't even have to reach for the cursor keys. ;)

Known issues

Currently, marking the first and last positions in the buffer at the same time makes multi-cursor-plus behave erratically. Pull requests are welcome to fix this!

Don't hesitate to report any issues you have! Before sending in a pull request, consider creating an issue for discussion. :)

Other recommended packages

If you're a fan of "keyboard only" navigation, have a look at these packages: