kanocz / minisv

Simple supervisor for easy multi-binary service deploy
MIT License
33 stars 1 forks source link
docker golang supervisor

minisv (mini supervisor)

Service starter, easy start multiply services (for example in one docker container or using systemd on regular system) with possibility to (gracefull) restart them via http. Gracefull restart is used for services supporting SO_REUSERPORT: new instance will started, waited X seconds to be sure that everything is ok and only then SIGTERM will be send to old one; if old one will not exit in Y time than SIGKILL also sent.

It's also possible to run "one-time" actions like a repository pull one webhook and so on (need to have oneTime setted to true).

In last version it's possible to pass data on standart input of "one-time" tasks (using POST method), for example, for creating configs before adding new tasks.

Possibility to "rotate" logs using HUP signal, using logreload variable in config or rotate command via http. Using logdate it's possible to add current date/time as log file name sufix (using class golang format). This affects only permanent task, not oneTime.

Also is possible to add/remove tasks online via HTTP-requests.

For restarting, sending signals and task add/remove next http schema used:

for example:

curl -d '{"command": "/bin/sleep","args": ["1800"],"workdir": "/home"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X 'POST' ''
curl -i ''
curl -i ''
curl -X 'DELETE' ''
curl -i ''
curl -i -X 'POST' -d '@/tmp/image.jpeg' ''

Example Dockerfile for use with minisv:

FROM ubuntu:16.04
MAINTAINER somebody@service

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx-light redis-server
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/nginx /var/log/minisv /opt

COPY minisv /opt
COPY minisv.json /opt

EXPOSE 80 443 3443 6379
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/minisv"]

while minisv.json contains

    "logdir": "/var/log/minisv",
    "logfileprefix": "container1-",
    "logreopen": "1h",
    "logsuffixdate": "20060102.150405",
    "logdate": "2006/01/02 15:04:05",
    "tasks": {
        "redis": {
            "command": "/usr/bin/redis-server",
            "args": ["--port", "6379"],
            "workdir": "/tmp",
            "wait": 60,
            "startTime": 10
        "nginx": {
            "command": "/usr/sbin/nginx",
            "args": ["-g", "daemon off;"],
            "wait": 60,
            "startTime": 3
        "pull": {
            "command": "/usr/bin/git",
            "args": ["pull", "-f"],
            "workdir": "/home/www/example.com",
            "oneTime": true
    "http": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 3443

starting with

docker run -v '/var/log/minisv:/var/log/minisv' 'container1'

using different logfileprefix prevents mixing of logs from different containers

commands description:

HTTPS & Auth

if no user, password and certificate parameters are specified in config minisv will work with plain HTTP and no authentification (suitable for listening on localhost and no access of third people to server).

If user and password (bcrypted hash) specified in http session http-basic auth is on.

"http": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 3443,
        "user": "admin",
        "password": "$2a$14$ajq8Q7fbtA0QvXpdCq7Jcuy.Rx1h/L4J60Otx.gyNLbAYctGMJ9tK"

For more security it's possible to turn on HTTPS:

"http": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 3443,
        "user": "admin",
        "password": "$2a$14$ajq8Q7fbtA0QvXpdCq7Jcuy.Rx1h/L4J60Otx.gyNLbAYctGMJ9tK",
        "servercert": "server.crt",
        "serverkey": "server.key"

And as most-secure it's possible to turn on verifing of client certificate:

"http": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 3443,
        "user": "admin",
        "password": "$2a$14$ajq8Q7fbtA0QvXpdCq7Jcuy.Rx1h/L4J60Otx.gyNLbAYctGMJ9tK",
        "servercert": "server.crt",
        "serverkey": "server.key",
        "clientcert": "client.crt"

and yes, it's true - it's possible combinate https-client-auth with http-basic-auth in the same time and both will be required at once.

Resource limits

it's possible to set global limits (like calling ulimit just before minisv) by setting individual options on limits array like this:

    "logdir": "/var/log/minisv",
    "limits": [
            "type": "nofile",
            "cur":  2048,
            "max":  4096
            "type": "nproc",
            "cur":  16384,
            "max":  16384
    "tasks": {