kanopi / toland

UCSF Base Theme
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UCSF Toland Theme

Getting started

When you initially run fin init to get up and running with this project, that command will spawn a sub-command to install NPMs. However, if you ever need to make updates and re-run the front-end build install, you can run fin init-theme.

Thereafter you can run fin gulp to watch for changes for Sass and JS which in turn will compile the CSS. Sass and JS sources are in the ./src folder and compiled assets land in the ./dist folder. You'll always want to use Fin's version of gulp rather than a local version and fin init-theme takes care of that and sets the correct version.

Note, you can run all these commands from the root of the project as the commands CD into the custom theme folder, /ucsf8/docroot/sites/dermatology.ucsf.edu/themes/custom/toland.

This theme uses core's Stable as a base theme.

Sass and CSS

For this project, we are taking a granular approach via individual CSS files being output and then compartmentalized into various libraries loaded from specific templates. This aligns with Drupal core but gives us the ability to boost performance as well.

Gulp Sass Linting

This project uses Sass linting to help us write better code. When you run fin gulp, you will see a list of errors and warnings print out in terminal if there are any issues. An error will stop gulp so you can fix it and a warning will still continue to compile. If you need to adjust the linting settings, you can look in sass-lint.yml.

Gulp Sass JS transpiling using Babel

This project converts any ES6 / 2015 code to ES5 in the dist folder so that Internet Explorer 11 can understand it. Your modern JS stays intact in the src folder.


There are a whole host of mixins that can be utilized located in the abstract folder, ./scss/abstract/.... Be sure to review these file for existing mixins that will come in handy for theming.


Use Sass extends sparingly only to extend page headings (h1-h6 tags). Ideally, just for headings when you need to change a heading's font size but it might not be ideal to change the heading tag itself because of accessibility.

For example, you have an h2 that follows and h1 tag but the h2 needs to be sized like an h3. Note, when extending a heading, use its class, @extend .h3; rather than @extend h3;

.page-title__lede h2 {
  @extend .h3;


For font sizes use the rem mixin. e.g. @include rem(font-size, 48px); which compiles as font-size: 3rem;. For anything else, use pixels.

Utility classes

There are a number of utility classes.

SVG icons

@include icon-before(icon-letters, 35px, 35px, $position: absolute);

Gulp functions via fin

Media Queries and Breakpoints

We are using Sass MQ for media queries as it's very versatile. They have great documentation here: https://github.com/sass-mq/sass-mq


Min width
@include mq($from: large) {
@include mq($from: large, $until: wide) {
@include mq($until: large) {

Note, write media queries in small chunks within individual selectors rather than encompassing many selectors with one giant media query. For example:

   .header-no-lede {
      @include mq($from: large) {
       // CSS here.

    .header-has-link {
      @include mq($from: large) {
       // CSS here.

BrowserSync and live CSS injection

The gulpfile is set to reload pages upon save using BrowserSync and refresh CSS while theming using fin gulp. As you make changes to Sass, your CSS will get injected without a page reload for a more seamless and rapid theming process. To make this work, you will need to add $config['toland.settings']['browsersync'] = 1; to your local settings file.


Drupal.behaviors.tolandMenu = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {...


You can target ie11 in Sass by using the IE11 mixin, e.g. @include ie11 {...

Theming helpers

fin drush ev "print_r(array_keys(\Drupal::service('plugin.manager.block')->getDefinitions()));"

Coding tips


You can generate a new TOC for this readme file here if needed: https://ecotrust-canada.github.io/markdown-toc/ Note, remove h1 tag in the TOC UI first before you generate.