kantoniko / ladino-diksionaryo-code

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

The code behind https://kantoniko.com/

Development environment

Create a folder called kantoniko. Inside that folder clone the repositories of https://github.com/kantoniko/

Clone this project that contains the code. This is enought to run the tests and develop the code.

git clone https://github.com/kantoniko/ladino-diksionaryo-code.git

In order to work with the real data of the dictionary clone https://github.com/kantoniko/ladino-diksionaryo-data/ using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/kantoniko/ladino-diksionaryo-data.git

Install the dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt


pytest -vvs tests/test_generate.py
pytest -vvs -rA -x --log-cli-level=DEBUG --random-order tests/test_generate.py

the expected output files are in the tests subdirectory.

When the expected output changes we can update the files with the following command:

pytest -vvs tests/test_generate.py --save

Generate test coverage report:

pytest -vvs -rA -x --log-cli-level=DEBUG --random-order --cov=ladino --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov-branch tests/test_generate.py

Generate the site locally

These commands will generate the static files in the docs subdrirectory. Below you'll find the command to start a local web server to view the results.

Generate test pages

Some selected pieces of data (words, examples, etc.) that we stored in the repository of the code to serve us for testing.


Generate only the dictionary

For this we need the data repository cloned.

PYTHONPATH=. python ladino/generate.py --dictionary ../ladino-diksionaryo-data/ --html docs --all --log

This took 3.20 on my computer wheren there were 3321 words and 1556 example in the ladino-diksionaryo-data repository.

Generate the whole site locally

For this we need all the repositories to be cloned.

time PYTHONPATH=. python ladino/generate.py --dictionary ../ladino-diksionaryo-data/ --html docs --all --log --whatsapp ../ladino-estamos-whatsapeando/ --sounds ../ladino-diksionaryo-sounds/ --unafraza ../ladino-una-fraza-al-diya/ --pages ../ladino-pages --books ../ladino-salu-lulu/  --ladinadores ../ladino-los-ladinadores/ --limit 10

Launch a static web server with the following command:

Run locally



FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run

Language considerations


From the yaml files we generate several json files and several static html files.

    "ladino": {
        "kome": {
            "ladino": "kome",
            "translations": {
                "inglez": "eats",
                "kasteyano": "come"
    "inglez": {
        "eat": "komen",
        "eats": "kome"

Rashi fonts
