kanzie / Redmine-PDM

A document-revision plugin for redmine
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== Project Document Manager (PDM)

This plug-in is built inspired by the already existing documents panel in Redmine, but putting all the documents in a comprehensive list with meta data and allowing each document to store numerous revisions.

This allows users to create documents, choose a category which they belong to, a document name and it will gather the information of who last updated it and at which time it was last updated. The detail view that shows the list of revisions for a document also shows who created it, allows time locking of the document so that no one else may intervene and separate downloads for every revision. This makes version control and version handling much easier than it has to be.

== Installation

cd ~/myapp ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/kanzie/Redmine-PDM.git

Then rake the database and migrate: rails_env=production rake db:migrate_plugins

== Instruction manual

Permission levels: Read - Allows the user to see the documents and revisions, and to download these. Write - Allows the user to create documents and revisions, lock documents, and check in new revisions. Administration - Allows the user to add more categories and force unlock on locked documents.

== Extra notes

== Acknowledgments

Thanks to: Göran Hagert Susanne Frennert Henrik Neckfors

Purple Scout - http://www.purplescout.se/

== Authors

Christian Nilsson - kanzie@gmail.com Patrik Olsen - patrik.olsen90@gmail.com Markus Ristola - ristola@mixtape.be Rickard Johansson Thomsen - rickardjoha@gmail.com