kaplanz / dynasty

An extensible dynamic DNS client
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 0 forks source link
cloudflare ddns ddns-client dynamic-dns dynamic-dns-client
# dynasty [![rust workflow][ci.rust.badge]][ci.rust.hyper] [![dependency status][deps.badge]][deps.hyper]

Dynasty is a dynamic DNS client written in Rust and designed to be easily extensible to support any DNS provider service. It currently only supports Cloudflare, but please make a pull request if you'd like to add support for another service!



Whenever Dynasty publishes a new release, pre-compiled binaries will be made available for download on the releases page.


To install Dynasty from source, install Rust (with Cargo), clone this repository, and build with:

cargo build --release

To install, move the compiled executable somewhere in your path:

# This should work on most *nix systems
mv target/release/dynasty /usr/local/bin


Before using Dynasty, you must specify your DNS provider and domains by creating a configuration file called config.toml. Dynasty looks for this configuration file according the platform-specific location, such as ~/.config/dynasty/ on Linux. See here for details relating to your platform.

A sample configuration file would look something like this:

resolver = "dig @resolver4.opendns.com myip.opendns.com +short"

timeout  = "24h"

provider = "Cloudflare"
token    = "fkdzsjxnfi345wfni5dnfcdkncka4_dw4n44f_ce"
zone     = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
record   = "fedcba9876543210fedcba9876543210"


In order to resolve your server's public IP, a resolver command must be supplied to Dynasty. Unless you know what you're doing, I recommend leaving it blank to use the default resolver.


Specify how Dynasty should run in daemon mode.


Services can be configured using array entries to the services table, with each entry representing a distinct service-(sub)domain pair. Note that providers may require different configuration options.


Command-line options

Dynamic DNS Client

Usage: dynasty [OPTIONS]

  -c, --conf <CONF>  Configuration file [default: "~/.config/dynasty/config.toml"]
  -d, --daemon       Run as a daemon
  -n, --dry-run      Perform a dry run
  -v, --verbose...   More output per occurrence
  -q, --quiet...     Less output per occurrence
  -h, --help         Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version      Print version

Daemon mode

By default, when run Dynasty will refresh all configured DNS entries once. If you want to run Dynasty as a daemon, you can do so by specifying the -d or --daemon flag on the command-line. Before doing so, you must configure the timeout parameter in the configuration, which specifies how often Dynasty will check and refresh your DNS entries.

It is recommended to use an init service (such as runit, or systemd) to automatically run Dynasty on startup if you're using it in daemon mode.
