kappiman / beesat-sdr

GNU Radio modules to decode BEESAT telemetry and send Digipeater messages
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 7 forks source link

New location of repository:

The repository was moved to https://git.tu-berlin.de/rft/com/mobitub-2

Software Defined Radio TNC for BEESAT


Many thanks to Daniel Estevez (EA4GPZ) who contributed very important fixes and ideas to this repository.

Installation of gnuradio on Ubuntu/Debian

The following installation instructions were tested under Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian Jessie.

Ubuntu prerequisite: PPA with recent version of gnuradio:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:myriadrf/gnuradio
sudo apt-get update


Remark: Please pay attention that you install swig right from the beginning. The build process might be successfull without having swig installed, but the compiled and installed module won't work as expected.

sudo apt-get install gnuradio swig

Compiling and installtion of the BEESAT SDR

Change to the build directory of the sdr tnc package:

cd beesat-sdr/gr-tnc_nx/build

Invoke cmake, additionally give a specific install path:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local ../

Compile with make

Compile the package and install it:

make -j4
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

GRC files

For decoding BEESAT-2 telemetry start gnuradio-companion and open the file:


For decoding of BEESAT-1 messages, the file


must be used.

Both software TNCs allow the input of an wav file for testing purposes.