kapseliboi / WeiPay

WeiPay is an open source cryptocurrency wallet available for both iOS and Android mobile devices. WeiPay will support Ethereum out of the box with added support for ERC-20 & ERC-223 tokens.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WeiPay ERC20 Wallet

WeiPay is a open source Ethereum and ERC20 wallet available for both IOS and Android mobile devices. WeiPay allows for multiple network and wallet configurations, contract interactions, and contact key management.

How To:

Software Requirements

ESLINT installation

IOS physical device third party build error

Fixing iOS build error for react native permissions https://github.com/yonahforst/react-native-permissions/issues/42

Build error fishhook https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/637225/41004316-d626d112-68ef-11e8-8a5e-397a55777bc4.png

Select a development team https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39524148/requires-a-development-team-select-a-development-team-in-the-project-editor-cod

Linking vectors https://github.com/react-native-training/react-native-elements/issues/503

Build to physical android device

  1. Enable the Developers options on the Android Device
  2. Enable Usb debugging in the Developers option

    For immediate app testing and debugging, you can build a debug APK. The debug APK is signed with a debug key provided by the SDK tools and allows debugging through adb.

To build a debug APK, open a command line and navigate to the root of your project directory. To initiate a debug build, invoke the assembleDebug task:

If your device is not found