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β€Ήbβ€Ί Web components for creating applications – built by Blackstone Publishing using lit-html and lit-element
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Blackstone UI (BUI)

Web components for creating interfaces - built with lit-html and lit-element by Blackstone Publishing



πŸŽ‰ Features

NOTE: Upgrading to Lit 2.0 is on the horizon, but not ready yet.

ℹ️ Overview

The stable release of v1 web components with the addition of lit-html and lit-element make for an incredible framework for writing user interface components.

Shadow DOM, CSS custom properties, and css "parts" makes encapsulation easy yet still customizable.

BUI is a library of low level custom elements, full featured "presenters", useful utility functions, application router, code extension "helpers", node.js server classes (for creating RESTful APIs), and more. Import and use a select few components or use most of it to create a full featured application.

The demo/documention is an example of what can be built with BUI and a good resource for reading more about what the library offers.

⬇️ Installation

BUI is actively developed on a daily basis by Blackstone Publishing. It is used in multiple internal application production environments. New features, changes, and bug fixes occur weekly.

Although BUI is available as an npm package, the library is updated too frequently to publish consistent versions.

Installing the latest is recommended:

npm install https://github.com/kjantzer/bui.git --save

We will attempt to document major breaking changes in the changelog. If you find any bugs/issues, please report or submit a PR.

πŸš€ Getting Started

Cloning and runing the demo/docs locally on your computer would be a good place to start. From there you can see how the various components work together to create an application.

Install parcel globally if you don't already have it installed

$ npm install -g parcel-bundler

Install the dependencies, then start the demo app

$ git clone https://github.com/kjantzer/bui.git
$ cd bui
$ npm install
$ npm start

You should then be able to view the demo at:

⚠️ Notice

Since BUI is actively developed nearly every day and done so by a small team, the documentation likely won't be 100% up to date. You may need to reference the physical code to discover some options/settings.

No software is bug free, but the latest commit of BUI should be fairly stable as it is used in a production environment at Blackstone.