kapsiR / HaveIBeenPwnedKeePassPlugin

KeePass plugin which integrates the k-Anonymity pwned password search from HIBP
MIT License
45 stars 1 forks source link
csharp dotnet haveibeenpwned hibp keepass keepass-plugin passwords security

# Have I Been Pwned KeePass Plugin

Simple KeePass plugin which uses the service Have I Been Pwned from Troy Hunt


Installation and Updates




How to install/update

  1. Download the latest release (.dll file) from GitHub
  2. In KeePass, click 'Tools' → 'Plugins' → button 'Open Folder'
    KeePass now opens a folder called 'Plugins'
  3. Exit KeePass to free up the lock on the plugin
  4. Move the plugin file into the 'Plugins' folder (replace if exists already)
  5. Start KeePass again


  1. In KeePass, click 'Tools' → 'Plugins' → button 'Open Folder'
    KeePass now opens a folder called 'Plugins'
  2. Exit KeePass to free up the lock on the plugin
  3. Delete the plugin file

Some impressions: