kaptain-kavern / CK_AnimalPlant_Pack

This mod alter the tropical rainforest biome : it add a significant amount of new animals and plants to the game and increase fauna and flora diversity.
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[Tropical Biome]Plants to add #6

Open kaptain-kavern opened 8 years ago

kaptain-kavern commented 8 years ago
Fern 1,2,3 tall grass stats Slow movement Must be edible by herbivores
Palm01 tall grass stats slow movement (like tall grass) Must be edible by herbivores
Palm02 minyield: 4/ max: 22/ growth time: 12 HP: 120/ beauty: 1 __
Palm03 minyield: 6/ max: 32/ growth time: 18 HP: 210/ beauty: 1 __
Strangler Fig minyield: 10/ max: 18/ growth time: 10 HP: 300/ beauty: 2
Mahogany Tree minyield: 22/ max: 56/ growth time: 34 HP: 320/ beauty: 2
Rafflesia bush stats -15 beauty __

Spreadsheet with all plants Data extracted from game files (for balancing values)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

Tree Stump treestump

Beehive beehive

Honeycomb honeycomb

Also, can you replace potted Heliconia with this texuture (the old one is not in the pot).


lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

I hope your feeling better :)

I was wondering if you could add the tree stump in the same way that the beehive will be added. It would have the same stats as a strangler fig but produce a lot less wood and be very rare. this would add some more diversity. it could show up in game as "tree (dead)" .

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago



We will have to see how it looks in game. I can make edits if needed. The apiary would only be available by farming. It would be "sowed" and "harvested" the same way any other plant would be. We can lock it behind research (beekeeping)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

I had an idea for "Kava" and "Kava Root"

Kava Root would produce effects similar to beer and can be synthesized at a drug lab to make Neutroamine

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

So now about here ^^ :

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

As discussed, "kava plant" and "kava root" will not be replaced with "dream vine" and "dream root"

Since we are putting the CK - F&D Pack on hold, a bill to turn dream root into neutroamine will need to be added to the drug lab in the main mod.

These are the updated textures:

dream vine: dream vine

dream root: dream root

I also want to retexture the taro plants with the following art:


kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

About taro texture : Should I completely remove the other? tarob or do we keep it for them to be randomly displayed?

And also I noticed the picture's size is bigger. As is it will look bigger in game, have you got particular ideas/instructions on the displayed size?

In fact without touching the code I find they look well : clipboard

And here it is with both Taro texture : for you to see how they mix : Imgur

I know I keep saying it : but again I love the new arts! Very much like the "hand draw" style (I don't know the right words) I find it "fresh" but looking real, less "polished"/plastic/clean to my eyes than vanilla style

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

thanks :)

my thought was to make them 128x128 and replace the other texture in game. that way it will cover more dirt and look less mechanically placed.

we could keep them the default size (as shown above) for crops though?

maybe you could take a screenshot of the bigger size so we can cimpare them side by side?

either way, I think we should completely replace the original texture though.

What are your thoughts?

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Oh right I understand why bigger then.

As it is done ATM, wild and cultivated one are displayed the same. I will make the wild ones bigger and make another screenshot. (here is a bigger one, the wild, up left - I kept the battery to help appreciate the size better) Imgur I think we should only keep the new one, also.

About looking less "artificial", I know it is more works for you, but it is possible to use several textures for the same plant and the game will randomly display them. But it's not a priority I think :-p

Here are the Apiaries : Imgur

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

awesome :)

the apiaries look good in that screenshot. how do they look in game?

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I posted this one on the forum :

I thought about their size. I was thinking they will look way too big and all that, but after seeing them in game (and despite the fact I completely know and see they're bigger than realist size) i find them quite good like that. But hey it's you the artist ;) you have the eye :p

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

oh ok. well we can always change it in the future

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Need your thought on the Dream Vine

About how their size? How tall they're supposed to be ? more like a bush? Wild Dream Vine (too small don't you think?) ImgurImgur

Cultivated one (a bit bigger but still to small) ImgurImgur

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

2i think the second picture looks good (about the size of an okapi).

I can create another texture for the cultivated version. dont let that hold up the release rhough. we can just use the one texture for both the wild and crop version for noq amd. then we can push out a quick release to add another texture for crops

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

All right then. In the biomedef I set the wild dream vines to "0.2" regarding commonalities for now.

sounds good.

The raw dream root should induce 'Alcohol effect/drunk' like beers, but less strong, right ?


Also can the root be used as cooking ingredient as well? (I was wondering about that for the raw coffee too - It could force the player to have to choose between : reserve it for the "chemical"/induced" effect OR use it as cooking ingredient - by forbid or not in recipes/stockpiles settings).

I like this idea. They can be used as raw ingredients for meals too.

I'm not exactly sure on the detail for the Neutroamine crafting. It should be expensive right? like 10/15 roots for 1 neutroamine? We can also plays with the harvested amount by plants, duration of crafting process and such for balancing the difficulty

sounds good to me. maybe start with 10 per neutro.. duration could be a bit longer than medicine crafting?

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

I commented in your post above. I like all the ideas.

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Then it's nearly the end ^^ :wine_glass: All is done, I'm just finishing the Neutroamine crafting recipe ATM (do we want a mini skill required for it?). And the all thing will needs a bit of testing I'd say :wink:

If you put this recipe in? do we add another one for the raw coffee to be of a purpose BTW?

And, last question, do you have a Bongo texture I've missed? For know they are still displayed as big gazelle

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

neutromine should maybe need a skill of 8 or 10? thoughts?

i think we should wait on adding a coffee recipe and just have coffee beans either be eaten raw as a drug or used in cooking as a raw plant.

no bongo yet. just remove it from game until i get the texture done.

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

As it is now, the recipe require a level 10 in cooking, tell me if I change.

Okey dokey for the coffee cups recipe (Coffee beans are already working like that, right now) and I remove/comment the Bongos code

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

should the recipe require 10 craft? isnt craft what all the drugs use?

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I just checked in game an for crafting all drugs there is no skill requirement at all and the working skill is <workSkill>Crafting</workSkill>. It's just for crafting medecine that there is a requirement of 3 in crafting and 6 in medecine.

As a trade of i've set the requirement to be

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I also have made little improvements while at it ^^

QoL improvement

More screenshots : Imgur /

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago


some thoights:

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

also. maybe you are right and we should add the coffee recipe to the drug lab to remove the taste debuff of coffee beans?

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

I noticed that the research for beekeeping is 500. is there an advantage to apiarys over other crops that makes it require a long research?

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Oh you know I kinda put that number like that. I'm afraid all the plants need a real long thinking and balancing in fact ^^
I mean, we "just" add them as ideas came but I never take some times to consider all as a whole and compare them between each other, etc...

In order to be able to say which should yield better, with which soil quality importance, those kind of things.

Per example, I think trees (and in a way apiaries also) should take longer to grow but in exchange should yield better than short time plants.

But for all this it's always the same we need Vanilla data I think.
I will put a table together with that (I particularly want yielding/day, etc); so we can balance ours on par with vanilla; and we will talk about it again :wink: (I have started the wiki a bit - will put the data there)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

sounds good

do you have link to the wiki?

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Here it is


lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

thanks :)

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago


I send you an invit' for the spreadsheet

I haven't changed any value. just by looking at the yellow column you can see what I was afraid of, it is clearly not balanced ^^ Nothing is matching Vanilla value pattern.

Please experiment with the numbers to see how you feel it. (Yellow columns are automatically computed). I will do the same.

The way I see we have to "play" with harvestYield, growDays and the price of the fruits/harvested item (price per unit)

fertility Factor Growth Rate could serve as a added bonus/malus for balancing a bit more. I understand it as : "the way soil-quality impact the growing time of the plant"

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

cool :) I will work on it now

should do another one for animals too

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I completely finish the spreadsheet, for cultivated and wild plants. I will make a copy (for backup) and will play with numbers a bit, and come back at you with my thoughts

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

oh ok cool :)

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

So here are my first thoughts after some thinking on the cultivated plants (only) :

label old yielding proposed new yielding old \ proposed new \ old \ proposed new \
taro 10 10 4 3,5 None None
lemongrass 10 7 3 2,5 None None
dream vine 6 10 6,84 6,84 8 6
coffea bush 30 10 5,5 5 None 4
apiary 40 60 25 25 None 7
coconut palm tree 10 45 18 18 None 5
banana tree 12 50 17 17 None 5

Here is the link to the spreadsheet with the corrected values : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Bsh-yRx2iG3FNABDx0ekxuFC_i_kol0sowsNY9d43Ok/edit?usp=sharing

I have only done the cultivated plants one, for now

What do you think ?

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

a couple things:

also, should honeycomb give a small mood buff to compensate for the time and research req?

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

All the changes I proposed were just for cultivated plants only. I don't find too strange that cultivated species could yield more than wild ones, we could say the cultivated one is the result of selection.

I'm pretty sure the min skill requirement are for crop plants only but as we have made them use two separate sets of code, I can have different settings for both version.

will continue this post later - no battery left on phone :-)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

oh ok i like it for crops only then :)

could include this in v1.3.1

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

I just checked for honeycomb and yes they behave exactly as insect Jelly.

Okey dokey so I will make so change for cultivated ones then. And if I managed to not fall asleep I will look out for balancing the wild ones ;-)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

oh ok cool :)

I was also given the suggestion to make jungle plants less flammable than others because they are so wet. I think it makes sense.

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

Coffea (crop)


Dream Vine (crop)

dream vine crop

kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

They're nice! I very like how the flower color seems to be more visible on the cropped Dream Vine.

Also added. Imgur I may try to add them for being randomly displayed, alternatively with the ones already in, for the wild ones. For testing only, doing a screenshot and show you

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

looks good :)

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

jitter berries


kaptain-kavern commented 7 years ago

Imgur // Imgur // Imgur

lpCoercion commented 7 years ago

looks good :)