kardiachain / kardia-explorer-backend

Backend repo for explorer
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Kardia explorer

Backend for explorer


Project structure

|--- api: define API for FE
|--- cfg: define base configuration
|--- cmd: all entry point here
|--- contracts: ERC20 and smc
|--- deployments: docker-compose and dockerfile for deploy/develop
|--- features: BDD
|--- kardia: kardia client implement
|--- metrics: custom metrics for tracking/monitor
|--- scripts: scripting for execute
|--- server: logic/db server
|--- tools: tools for develop
|--- types
|--- utils: collections utilities function


Version 1.0.0

Support and contributes

Feel free to create issues if you have any. PRs are welcome and make sure you follow coding guideline. For any information about this project, please contact us at hello@kardiachain.io.