karl- / pb_Stl

STL import/export for Unity, supporting both ASCII and Binary.
MIT License
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How can I get STL file from SkinnedMeshRenderer? #21

Closed ghost closed 4 months ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

I want to get STL file from a morphed animation. This animation is created on 3DS MAX and I want to get STL file at any time I want. Play the animation and stop the animation, then export STL file. But my model is SkinnedMeshRenderer so this plugin is not working well for my model. Please help me. Thank you.

karl- commented 2 years ago

You'd just need to modify the Exporter to look for meshes in SkinnedMeshRenderer as well as MeshFilter. Would be happy to accept a PR for this.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your response. I solved this problem by using Exporter.WriteFile. Convert SkinnedMeshRenderer to MeshRenderer using BakeMesh function and write STL file to the path. Thank you for your response again. Thank you.