karl- / pb_Stl

STL import/export for Unity, supporting both ASCII and Binary.
MIT License
179 stars 43 forks source link
stl stl-importer unity unity-editor unity-plugin unity3d


An STL importer/exporter for Unity.

pb_Stl is the exporter used in ProBuilder to save STL model files.



  1. In the Packages directory of your Unity project, git clone https://github.com/karl-/pb_Stl.git co.parabox.stl


  1. Open Packages/manifest.json
  2. Add "co.parabox.stl":"https://github.com/karl-/pb_Stl.git" to the "dependencies" list

Quick Start

  1. Select a GameObject in the Scene View with a MeshFilter and valid Mesh.
  2. In the file menu, Edit > Export > STL (Ascii).
  3. View your shiny new STL file.


Planned Improvements


Model is sideways / horizontal / rotated

Unity's coordinate system is left handed, with Y axis as the vertical. Other 3d modeling programs may have different coordinate systems or axis assignments. pb_Stl exports right handed coordinates by default, but can be modified to retain left handed coordinates. Support for swapping axes is planned.


If you would like to submit improvements please include NUnit tests for your changes (and make sure they don't break any existing tests).


It's MIT.