karlicoss / open-in-editor

Script to jump into files in you text editor, from your web browser
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link
editor emacs mime vim xdg-open

+begin_src python :exports results :results output drawer

import open_in_editor print(open_in_editor.doc)




This scripts allows opening your text editor from a link on a webpage/within a browser extension via MIME. See a short [[https://karlicoss.github.io/promnesia-demos/jump_to_editor.webm][demo]].

It handles URIs like:

: editor:///path/to/file:123 : editor:///path/to/file?line=456

See =test_parse_uri= for more examples.

To install (register the MIME handler), run

: python3 open_in_editor.py --install --editor emacs

See =--help= for the list of available editors. If you want to add other editors, the code should be easy to follow.

You can check that it works with

: xdg-open 'editor:///path/to/some/file'

I haven't found any existing/mature scripts for this, please let me know if you know of any! I'd be quite happy to support one less script :)

The script was tested on Linux only! I'd be happy if someone contributes adjustments for OSX.


+begin_src bash :exports results :results output verbatim

./open_in_editor.py --help




usage: open_in_editor.py [-h] [--editor {emacs,vim,gvim,default}] [--install] [--run-tests] [uri]

positional arguments: uri URI to open + optional line number

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --editor {emacs,vim,gvim,default} Editor to use. 'default' means using your default GUI editor (discovered with open/xdg-open) --install Pass to install (i.g. register MIME in your system) --run-tests Pass to run unit tests
