karlwancl / YahooFinanceApi

A handy Yahoo! Finance api wrapper, based on .NET Standard 2.0
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A handy Yahoo! Finance api wrapper, based on .NET Standard 2.0



This library is intended for personal use only, any improper use of this library is not recommended.

Install Note

For traditional .NET framework user, if you find a "System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives" missing exception is thrown when using this library, you have to install the missing package manually as nuget does not auto install this reference for you (Bugged?)

Important Note (2017/11/12)

As Yahoo has terminated their csv quote service, the depending GetAsync method is no longer usable. Please consider using QueryAsync method instead.

v2.2 Changes (2023/05/29) (by sergemat)

v2.1 Changes (2017/11/12) (Great thanks again to @dshe :D)

v2.0 Changes (2017/10/28) (Great thanks for PRs from @dshe :D)

Supported Platforms

How To Install

You can find the package through Nuget

PM> Install-Package YahooFinanceApi

How To Use

Add reference

using YahooFinanceApi;

Get stock quotes

// You could query multiple symbols with multiple fields through the following steps:
var securities = await Yahoo.Symbols("AAPL", "GOOG").Fields(Field.Symbol, Field.RegularMarketPrice, Field.FiftyTwoWeekHigh).QueryAsync();
var aapl = securities["AAPL"];
var price = aapl[Field.RegularMarketPrice] // or, you could use aapl.RegularMarketPrice directly for typed-value

Supported fields for stock quote

Language QuoteType QuoteSourceName Currency MarketState RegularMarketPrice
RegularMarketTime RegularMarketChange RegularMarketOpen RegularMarketDayHigh RegularMarketDayLow RegularMarketVolume
ShortName FiftyTwoWeekHighChange FiftyTwoWeekHighChangePercent FiftyTwoWeekLow FiftyTwoWeekHigh DividendDate
EarningsTimestamp EarningsTimestampStart EarningsTimestampEnd TrailingAnnualDividendRate TrailingPE TrailingAnnualDividendYield
EpsTrailingTwelveMonths EpsForward SharesOutstanding BookValue RegularMarketChangePercent RegularMarketPreviousClose
Bid Ask BidSize AskSize MessageBoardId FullExchangeName
LongName FinancialCurrency AverageDailyVolume3Month AverageDailyVolume10Day FiftyTwoWeekLowChange FiftyTwoWeekLowChangePercent
TwoHundredDayAverageChangePercent MarketCap ForwardPE PriceToBook SourceInterval ExchangeTimezoneName
ExchangeTimezoneShortName Market Exchange ExchangeDataDelayedBy PriceHint FiftyDayAverage
FiftyDayAverageChange FiftyDayAverageChangePercent TwoHundredDayAverage TwoHundredDayAverageChange Tradeable GmtOffSetMilliseconds

Ignore invalid rows

// Sometimes, yahoo returns broken rows for historical calls, you could decide if these invalid rows is ignored or not by the following statement
Yahoo.IgnoreEmptyRows = true;

Get historical data for a stock

// You should be able to query data from various markets including US, HK, TW
// The startTime & endTime here defaults to EST timezone
var history = await Yahoo.GetHistoricalAsync("AAPL", new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), new DateTime(2016, 7, 1), Period.Daily);

foreach (var candle in history)
    Console.WriteLine($"DateTime: {candle.DateTime}, Open: {candle.Open}, High: {candle.High}, Low: {candle.Low}, Close: {candle.Close}, Volume: {candle.Volume}, AdjustedClose: {candle.AdjustedClose}");

Get dividend history for a stock

// You should be able to query data from various markets including US, HK, TW
var dividends = await Yahoo.GetDividendsAsync("AAPL", new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), new DateTime(2016, 7, 1));
foreach (var candle in dividends)
    Console.WriteLine($"DateTime: {candle.DateTime}, Dividend: {candle.Dividend}");

Get stock split history for a stock

var splits = await Yahoo.GetSplitsAsync("AAPL", new DateTime(2014, 6, 8), new DateTime(2014, 6, 10));
foreach (var s in splits)
    Console.WriteLine($"DateTime: {s.DateTime}, AfterSplit: {s.AfterSplit}, BeforeSplit: {s.BeforeSplit}");

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