karmatys / brackets-sass

An extension for Brackets to show SASS hints in the code editor.
MIT License
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Sass code hints for Brackets

An extension for Brackets to show SASS hints in the code editor.

How to Install

  1. Select Brackets > File > Extension Manager...
  2. Search for this extension.
  3. Click on the Install button.

How to Use Extension


Currently only SCSS file format is supported.

Extension Preferences

codehint.SassHint (boolean)
If the value of this preference is true, sass hints will be enabled. Otherwise, the extenion will be disabled.

sasscodehints.maxHints (number)
This value determines maximum length of hint list.

sasscodehints.showBuiltFns (boolean)
This value define, whether built-in functions will be shown in hint list or not.

sasscodehints.commonLibs (string)
Absolute path to the common "partial" files.
When we import files by @import 'file' the extension firstly looking for a file in directory relative to edited file. If they not exists, script will continue searching in directory, which was passed by commonLibs preference.

For more information on setting preferences see How to Use Brackets - Preferences


parameters and local / global variables example

keywords and mixins example

functions example

Planned development

  1. Jump to definition


MIT-licensed -- see main.js for details.


Tested on Brackets 1.9 and 1.10 pre-release 2 (Windows 7).