karol-brejna-i / tigergraph-restpp-api

TigerGraph's REST++ API descriptin
Apache License 2.0
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This is an effort to document REST++ API for TigerGraph database using OpenAPI 3.x specification.

The original API documentation is located here: https://docs.tigergraph.com/tigergraph-server/current/api/intro

Showing the API documentation

The API specification can be used to generate the API documentation.

One easy way to browse through the API is using Swagger UI:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/api.yaml -v $PWD/restpp.api.yaml:/api.yaml swaggerapi/swagger-ui

_Note: This assumes that the specification you want to see is placed in the current directory and is named 'restpp.api.yaml'.

Another convenient way is to use Swagger Inspector.

Project details

This folder contains:

restpp.api.old.yaml OpenAPI specification converted from Postman collection I found on the web.
restpp.api.yaml Target version of the specification that I work on from scratch.

I hope to use the specification to generate Java client for REST++ API.