karolzak / cntk-hotel-pictures-classificator

This POC is using CNTK 2.1 to train model for multiclass classification of images. Our model is able to recognize specific objects (i.e. toilet, tap, sink, bed, lamp, pillow) connected with picture types we are looking for. It plays a big role in a process which will be used to classify pictures from different hotels and determine whether it's a picture of bathroom, bedroom, hotel front, swimming pool, bar, etc.
MIT License
37 stars 22 forks source link
ai alexnet-model classification cntk cntk-model cognitive-toolkit deep-learning deep-neural-networks dsvm faster-rcnn machine-learning ml object-classification object-detection python transfer-learning

Table of contents

  1. Project description
  2. Results and learnings
    2.1. Initial assumptions
    2.2. Dataset
    2.3. Training and evaluation results
    2.4. Using the model
  3. Run sample
    3.1. Setup
    3.2. Train and evaluate the model
  4. Code highlights
  5. Use with custom dataset
    5.1. Setup
    5.2. Prepare data
    5.3. Tag images
    5.4. Download pretrained model and create mappings for custom dataset
    5.5. Run training
    5.6. Deploy your model

1. Project description

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This POC is using CNTK 2.1 to train model for multiclass classification of images. Our model is able to recognize specific objects (i.e. toilet, tap, sink, bed, lamp, pillow) connected with picture types we are looking for. It plays a big role in a process which will be used to classify pictures from different hotels and determine whether it's a picture of bathroom, bedroom, hotel front, swimming pool, bar, etc. That final classification will be made based on objects that were detected in those pictures.

What can you find inside:

If you would like to know how to use such model, you can check this project to find out how to write a simple RESTfull, Python-based web service and deploy it to Azure Web Apps with your own model.

2. Results and learnings

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Disclaimer: This POC and all the learnings you can find bellow is an outcome of close cooperation between Microsoft and Hotailors. Our combined team spent total of 3 days to prepare and label data, finetune parameters and train the model.

2.1. Initial assumptions

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2.2. Dataset

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2.3. Training and evaluation results

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2.4. Using the model

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Final model will be used in form of web service running on Azure and that's why I prepared a sample RESTful web service written with Python using Flask module. This web service makes use of our trained model and provides API which takes images as an input for evaluation and returns either a cloud of tags or tagged images. Project also describes how to easily deploy this web service to Azure Web Apps with custom Python environment and required dependencies.

You can find running web service hosted on Azure Web Apps here, and project with code and deployement scripts can be found on GitHub.


Sample request and response in Postman: Demo

3. Run sample

3.1. Setup

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3.2. Train and evaluate the model using HotailorPOC2 sample dataset

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After you go through setup steps you can start training your model.

In order to do it you need to run FasterRCNN.pyscript located in Detection/FasterRCNN.

I'm working on Windows 10 so I run the script from Anaconda Command Prompt which should be installed during setup steps.

Bear in mind that training the model might take a lot of time depending on the type of machine you are using for training and if you're using GPU or CPU.

python FasterRCNN.py

TIP: If you don't own any machine with heavy GPU you can use one of the ready to go Data Science Virtual Machine images in Azure.

When the training and evaluation will be completed, you should see something similar to this:

Evaluating Faster R-CNN model for 20 images.
Number of rois before non-maximum suppression: 550
Number of rois  after non-maximum suppression: 87
AP for            sink = 0.4429
AP for          pillow = 0.1358
AP for          toilet = 0.8095
AP for            lamp = 0.5404
AP for         curtain = 0.7183
AP for           towel = 0.0000
AP for             tap = 0.1111
AP for             bed = 0.8333
Mean AP = 0.4489

Trained model, neural network topology and evaluated images (with plotted results) can later be found in Output folder located in Detection/FasterRCNN.

4. Code highlights

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5. Use with custom dataset

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Although this project was prepared specifically for Hotailors case, it's based on one of the standard examples from original CNTK repository on GitHub and thus it can be easily reused in any other scenario. You just need to follow steps bellow:

5.1. Setup

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Follow steps number 1 and 2 from setup instructions.

5.2. Prepare data

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5.3. Tag images

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In order to make your custom dataset ready to be used for training you will need to create some metadata with coordinates of objects and their names (classes)

Currently the best tool for tagging images is Visual object Taging Tool but for this project I used simple Python scripts that can be found in the original CNTK 2.1 github repository (mine were fine tuned a bit):

5.4. Download pretrained model and create mappings for custom dataset

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In order to train the model we use transfer learning and we need to have a pretrained model for that. For this sample we use AlexNet model.

To download the model and create class and files mappings you can use install_data_and_model.py script and simply follow these steps:

At this point your custom dataset should be ready for training.

5.5. Run training

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5.6. Deploy your model

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When you will find yourself satisfied with your model and you would like to get to know how to use it with RESTful Python web service and deploy it to Azure Web Apps, then check out this repository.