karthikvinayan / Scoop-Spotify

A Scoop bucket for Spotify, Spicetify and related packages.
The Unlicense
18 stars 0 forks source link
blockthespot scoop scoop-apps scoop-bucket spicetify spicetify-apps spicetify-cli spicetify-custom-apps spicetify-extensions spicetify-themes spotify


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!! Spotify and Spicetify now exist in official scoop repos. Spicetify also includes adblock extensions now. This fork is being maintained only for my personal use from now on. !!

Switch to Shovel



A Scoop bucket for Spotify, Spicetify and related packages.

scoop bucket add spotify https://github.com/zwxi/Scoop-Spotify.git

...I've spent an unhealthy amount of time on automating all of this.

Fork notes

hash check failed

scoop-update error

If it shows any error while running scoop update, you can








Spotify (latest)

Spotify with BlockTheSpot

Installing and customizing Spotify

First, the latest version of Spotify should be installed:

  scoop install spotify-latest

Note that Spotify should not be installed globally, as it stores files in user-specific directories.

Once Spotify is installed, spicetify-cli can be installed to customize the Spotify client:

  scoop install spicetify-cli

Again, spicetify-cli should be installed locally, as it also stores files in a user-specific location.

spicetify-themes can be installed for a collection of community-created themes for Spicetify. Obviously, this should also be installed locally:

  scoop install spicetify-themes

google-spicetify is also available:

  scoop install google-spicetify

I can recommend the Default theme, which can be applied by running the following:

  spicetify config current_theme Default

To install spicetify-cli and apply a theme silently, the theme can be configured before installing spicetify-themes. When any of the Spicetify packages are installed, the current configuration is applied, and if Spotify was open previously, it is reopened.

  scoop install spicetify-cli
  spicetify config current_theme Default
  scoop install spicetify-themes

spicetify-autoVolume can be installed to automatically decrease the volume at specific intervals of time:

  scoop install spicetify-autovolume

BlockTheSpot can be installed to block advertisements:

  scoop install blockthespot

All of the above packages can be updated through Scoop.

If you don't care about reading any of this and just want a quick way to install ad-blocked Spotify with the Default theme, and developer tools, copy and paste this into PowerShell:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')

scoop install git sudo

scoop bucket add spotify https://github.com/zwxi/Scoop-Spotify.git
scoop install spotify-latest blockthespot spicetify spicetify-themes spicetify-autovolume

spicetify config current_theme Default --quiet
spicetify-enable-devtool -quiet

Or even shorter, but with Sleek theme and Deep color config as I like it :

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force; iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zwxi/Scoop-Spotify/master/basic-setup.ps1 | iex

I wrote the above script mostly for people who don't care about using Scoop and just need a foolproof way to set everything up automatically.

And in the future, if you want to update any installed packages:

  scoop update *