karthink / repeat-help

GNU General Public License v3.0
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+title: Repeat-Help: Key descriptions for Emacs' Repeat Mode

Emacs 28+ includes a minor mode named =repeat= that enables calling commands under a shared prefix key easily, without having to type in the prefix each time. So you can switch windows repeatedly with ~C-x o o o...~ instead of ~C-x o C-x o C-x o...~, undo repeatedly with ~C-x u u u...~, jump through headings with ~n~ and ~p~ instead of ~C-c @ C-n~ and ~C-c @ C-p~, and so on.

This package adds key a description popup when a "repeat map" is active, showing you the available keys and commands. This is available through a generic interface, with built-in support for an [[https://github.com/oantolin/embark#showing-information-about-available-targets-and-actions][Embark indicator]] or a [[https://github.com/justbur/emacs-which-key/][Which Key]] popup:

Embark & Which Key popups: Repeating =diff-hl= commands


Embark & Which Key popups: Repeating =outline= navigation commands


For most keymaps, this is simpler, easier and more consistent than defining a custom [[https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra][Hydra]] or [[https://github.com/magit/transient][Transient]] interface (see Alternatives section for [[https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/hercules.el][Hercules]]). There is no separate "setup" phase: You activate the repeat functionality through the regular Emacs keybinding for the command. And no "dismiss" phase: the popup disappears when you do press a key (like typing text) that's not included in the repeat map.

Here's =repeat-help= applied to the =smerge-mode= keymap, which is used by Emacs when resolving Git conflicts. The window to the right lists the invoked keys:


For an introduction to Emacs' =repeat-mode= (including more demos), see [[https://karthinks.com/software/it-bears-repeating][this write-up]].

Repeat-Help is available on MELPA. After [[https://github.com/melpa/melpa#usage][adding MELPA to your package archives]], you can install it by running =M-x package-install⮐= =repeat-help= in Emacs, or with the below =use-package= block.

Alternatively: Clone this repository and call =M-x package-install-from-file⮐= on the directory.

** With =use-package=

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(use-package repeat-help :ensure t ;; or :straight t :hook (repeat-mode . repeat-help-mode))


** Without =use-package= To use repeat-help with Emacs' repeat feature, run

+begin_src emacs-lisp

(add-hook 'repeat-mode-hook #'repeat-help-mode)


By default, the persistent key description popup is available as a toggle bound to ~C-h~.

Repeat-Help tries to use an Embark indicator by default, falling back on Which Key and the built-in echo area message system. To specify a backend you can customize =repeat-help-popup-type=.

You can also plug in your own key description function into the interface. For example, it should be possible to:

Repeat Mode with Repeat Help is not as powerful, but much simpler and more uniform as an extension of built-in functionality.