kartoza / geodata-mart

Geoprocessing as a Service
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Geodata Mart

Search, select, clip, and deliver spatial data sources.




The development stack is managed with Docker Compose.

Spin up development environment

cp .env.example .env
docker compose up -d --build

Bring down the stack

docker compose down -v

Running commands

Because the django app is run within an isolated docker container and may not have access to the declared environment variables for the project, from within a container run the provided helper script to configure the environments:

source /app/setenv.sh

Once this script has run and defined the environment, running django commands may proceed as normal.

python /app/manage.py shell

Using the docker extension with vscode along with the docker.commands.attach command available from the supplied settings.json file will automatically run this script when attaching a shell to a container.


Deployment is done with docker compose (for now).

Some notes/ caveats on the 0.1 release deployment:

Adding projects

There's a bit of a serious bug with regard to adding new project and config items... When developing/ iterating over the schema structure and what fields or requirements needed to be put into the system, the fk field was defined on the project, and then that related to the managed file objects. When the change was implemented to use dynamic file paths based on project details, it became possible to associate a file with the project and when calling save() (as demonstrated in the seed operation) the file would be uploaded to the project path. This keeps relative paths intact and prevents collisions.

The problem is that this is not exposed through the admin ui, as when uploading a config file it is not possible to specify the reverse relation to the project in order to get the dynamic file path. I thought there may be a clever hack but I haven't been able to find anything and it seems like a schema restructure is a better option, but it's a bit late in the day for that to enter the deployment, so new project definitions will have to be managed programmatically for the time being or have auxiliary files placed in the relevant geodata root directory.


Development and stack is managed using docker. Note that there are multiple "environments" for the application development, including:


Development systems should have:

Dev environment venv creation

python -m venv venv
python -m pip install -e .[dev]


This application was modified from cookiecutter-django, and the project docs may be helpful to developers.


It is desirable to aim for dev-prod-parity. The production.py settings exclude many functions from dev.py, such as debug and dev tools and a change in email service configuration. The frontend.py settings replicate dev, but disable white noise and the offline caching of django-compressor to allow more dynamic loading and modification of frontend assets without having to restart the stack.

Note that changes to the celery tasks etc. will require you to rerun the docker build function before your changes are reflected in the tasks and scripts.