kashjs / angular-workshop

AngularJS training source code
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This is the source code of the app that we built during a week long AngularJS/bootstrap training workshop.

Topics covered: controllers, views, directives, filters, services, responsive design, d3 visual, angular best prectices, bootstrap, bower, gulp, less, app minification and packaging and many more.

The purpose of this training is not to give you every single detail of angular/bootstrap concepts. It is to give you enough understanding of the high level concepts so that you can get started with working on any AngularJS project. To get the details, just read the documentation on angular and bootstrap website.

The training screencasts are available on youtube.

Get started:

1 - Make sure you have Node/NPM installed on your system. (http://nodejs.org/)
2 - install global dependencies
sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g gulp
3 - Clone this project
4 - cd to API and do npm install
cd api
npm install
5 - cd to app and install dependencies
cd app
npm install
bower install
6 - run api
cd api
node server
7 - run app
cd app
8 - your app is now runing at http://localhost:9003/#/wines