katha-ai / EmoTx-CVPR2023

[CVPR 2023] Official code repository for "How you feelin'? Learning Emotions and Mental States in Movie Scenes". https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.05634
56 stars 8 forks source link
cvpr2023 emotion-recognition moviegraphs-dataset multilabel-classification multimodal-learning pytorch transformers

:movie_camera: How you feelin'? Learning Emotions and Mental States in Movie Scenes

:bookmark: Contents

  1. About
  2. Setting up the repository
    1. Create a virtual environment
    2. Setup the data directory
    3. Update the config template
  3. Feature Extraction
  4. Train EmoTx with different configurations!
  5. Download
    1. EmoTx pre-trained weights
    2. Pre-trained feature backbones
  6. Bibtex

:robot: About

This is the official code repository for CVPR-2023 accepted paper "How you feelin'? Learning Emotions and Mental States in Movie Scenes". This repository contains the implementation of EmoTx, a Transformer-based model designed to predict emotions and mental states at both the scene and character levels. Our model leverages multiple modalities, including visual, facial, and language features, to capture a comprehensive understanding of emotions in complex movie environments. Additionally, we provide the pre-trained weights for EmoTx and all the pre-trained feature backbones used in this project. We also provide the extracted features for scene (full frame), character faces and subtitle from MovieGraphs dataset.

:toolbox: Setting up the repository

:earth_asia: Create a python-virtual environment

  1. Clone the repository and change the working directory to be project's root.
    $ git clone https://github.com/katha-ai/EmoTx-CVPR2023.git
    $ cd EmoTx-CVPR2023
  2. This project strictly requires python==3.6.

Create a virtual environment using Conda-

$ conda create -n emotx python=3.6
$ conda activate emotx
(emotx) $ pip install -r requirements.txt


Create a virtual environment using pip (make sure you have Python3.6 installed)

$ python3.6 -m pip install virtualenv
$ python3.6 -m virtualenv emotx
$ source emotx/bin/activate
(emotx) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

:stars: Download the MovieGraphs features

You can also use wget to download these files-

$ wget -O <FILENAME> <LINK>
File name Contents Comments
  • Extended character tracks
  • emotic_mapping.json
  • MovieGraphs pickle
  • Scene (full frame) features extracted from MViT_v1 model pre-trained on _Kinetics400 dataset
  • Character face features extracted from ResNet50 pre-trained on VGGFace, FER13 and SFEW datasets
  • Subtitle features (from both pre-trained and fine-tuned RoBERTa)
  • All pre-trained backbones used in EmoTx
contains data/ directory which will occupy 167GB of disk space.
InceptionResNetV1_VGGface_face_feats.tar.gz Character face features extracted from InceptionResNet_v1 model pre-trained on VGGface2 dataset. Contains generic_face_features/ directory. To use these features with EmoTx, move this directory inside data/ extracted from EmoTx_min_feats.tar.gz. After extraction, generic_face_features/ will occupy 32GB of disk space.
VGG-vm_FER13_face_feats.tar.gz Character face features extracted from VGG-vm model pretrained on VGGFace and FER13 datasets Contains emo_face_features/ directory. TO use these features with EmoTx, move this directory inside data/ extracted with EmoTx_min_feats.tar.gz. After extraction, emo_face_features/ will occupy 254GB of disk sace.
ResNet152_ImgNet_scene_feats.tar.gz Scene (full frame) features extracted from ResNet152 model pre-trained on ImageNet dataset Contains generic_scene_features/ directory. To use these features with EmoTx, move this directory inside data/ extracted from EmoTx_min_feats.tar.gz. After extraction, generic_scene_features/ will occupy 72GB of disk space.
ResNet50_PL365_scene_feats.tar.gz Scene (full frame) features extracted from ResNet50 model pre-trained on Places365 dataset. Contains resnet50_places_scene_features/ directory. To use these features with EmoTx, move this directory inside data/ extracted from EmoTx_min_feats.tar.gz. After extraction, resnet50_places_scene_features/ will occupy 143GB of disk space.

:book: Create the config.yaml

  1. Create a copy of the given config template
    (emotx) $ cp config_base.yaml config.yaml
  2. Edit the lines 2-9 in config as directed in the comments. If you have extracted the EmoTx_min_feats.tar.gz in /home/user/data, then the path variables in config.yaml would be-
    # Path variables
    data_path: /home/user/data
    resource_path: /home/user/data/MovieGraph/resources/
    clip_srts_path: /home/user/data/MovieGraph/srt/clip_srt/
    emotic_mapping_path: /home/user/data/emotic_mapping.json
    pkl_path: /home/user/data/MovieGraph/mg/py3loader/
    save_path: /home/user/checkpoints/
    saved_model_path: /home/user/data/pretrained_models/
    hugging_face_cache_path: /home/user/.cache/
    dumps_path: "./dumps"

Directory names


Refer the full `config_base.yaml` for the default parameter configuration.

## :bomb: Feature Extraction
Follow the instructions in [feature_extractors/README.md](feature_extractors/README.md) to extract required features from MovieGraphs dataset. Note that we have already provided the pre-extracted features above and therefore you need not extract the features again.

## :weight_lifting: Train
After extracting the features and creating the config, you can train EmoTx on a 12GB GPU!<br>
You can also use the pre-trained weights provided in the [Download](#mag-download) section.<br>
Note: the `Eval_mAP: [[A,B], C]` in log line (printed during training) represents the char_mAP, scene_mAP and average of both respectively.<br>
Note: it is recommended to use [wandb](https://wandb.ai)<br>

Using the default values given in the `config_base.yaml`
1. To train EmoTx for MovieGraphs-top10 emotion label set, use the default config (no argument required)

(emotx) $ python trainer.py

2. To train EmoTx with MovieGraphs-top25 emotion label set-

(emotx) $ python trainer.py top_k=25

3. To use EmoticMapping label set-

(emotx) $ python trainer.py use_emotic_mapping=True

4. To use different scene features (valid keywords- `mvit_v1`, `resnet50_places`, `generic`) [generic=ResNet150_ImageNet]

(emotx) $ python trainer.py scene_feat_type="mvit_v1"

5. To use different character face features (valid keywords- `resnet50_fer`, `emo`, `generic`) [emo=VGG-vm_FER13, generic=InceptionResNetV1_VGGface]

(emotx) $ python trainer.py scene_feat_type="resnet50_fer"

6. To use fine-tuned/pre-trained subtitle features (valid choices- `False` (to use fine-tuned RoBERTa) | `True` (to use pre-trained RoBERTa))

(emotx) $ python trainer.py srt_feat_pretrained=False

7. Train with only scene features

(emotx) $ python trainer.py use_char_feats=False use_srt_feats=False get_char_targets=False

8. To train with only character face features

(emotx) $ python trainer.py use_scene_feats=False use_srt_feats=False get_scene_targets=False

9. To train with scene and subtitle features

(emotx) $ python trainer.py use_char_feats=False get_char_targets=False

10. Enable wandb logging (recommended)

(emotx) $ python trainer.py wandb.logging=True wandb.project= wandb.entity=

All the above arguments can be combined to train with different configurations.

## :mag: Download
### :rocket: EmoTx pre-trained weights
| File name | Comments | Training command |
| [EmoTx_Top10.pt](https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/dhruv_srivastava_research_iiit_ac_in/EUVbB6Mbwy5OpzAoqAz0jxYBsiUCach0dbeTaZWyE9316Q?download=1) | EmoTx trained on MovieGraphs-top10 emotion label set | `(emotx) $ python trainer.py model_no=4.0 top_k=10 ` |
| [EmoTx_Top25.pt](https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/dhruv_srivastava_research_iiit_ac_in/ETiTg6kxt89JrJgFV0jkOGkBPXW7f36CxpW2vi_2VrLzYQ?download=1) | EmoTx trained on MovieGraphs-top25 emotion label set | `(emotx) $ python trainer.py model_no=4.0 top_k=25 ` |
| [EmoTx_Emotic.pt](https://iiitaphyd-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/dhruv_srivastava_research_iiit_ac_in/EYFhKfYaDLxCpAfS6CPLk2ABw5BU_MFkaEjpJGvHyuAYUg?download=1) | EmoTx trained on EmoticMapping emotion label set | `(emotx) $ python trainer.py model_no=4.0 use_emotic_mapping=True ` |

These models can be loaded using the following code-
import torch
from models.emotx import EmoTx

model_checkpoint_filepath = "<PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT>.pt"
chkpt = torch.load(model_checkpoint_filepath)

model = EmoTx(

:open_hands: Pre-trained feature backbones

File name Comments
ResNet50_PL365.pt ResNet50 trained on Places365 dataset
MViT_v1_Kinetics400.pt MViT_v1 trained on Kinetics400 dataset
ResNet50_FER.pt ResNet50 trained on VGGFace, FER2013 and SFEW datasets
InceptionResNetV1_VGGface.pt InceptionResNetV1 trained on VGGFace2 dataset
VGG-vm_FER13.pt VGG-vm trained on VGGface and FER2013 dataset
MTCNN.pth and MTCNN.json MTCNN model and config used for face detection
Cascade_RCNN_movienet.pth and Cascade_RCNN_movienet.json Config and person detection model pre-trained on MovieNet character annotations
RoBERTa_finetuned_t10.pt RoBERTa fine-tuned on MovieGraphs dataset with Top-10 label set
RoBERTa_finetuned_t25.pt RoBERTa fine-tuned on MovieGraphs dataset with Top-25 label set
RoBERTa_finetuned_Emotic.pt RoBERTa fine-tuned on MovieGraphs dataset with Emotic-Mapped label set

:round_pushpin: Cite

If you find any part of this repository useful, please cite the following paper!

title = {{How you feelin'? Learning Emotions and Mental States in Movie Scenes}},
author = {Dhruv Srivastava and Aditya Kumar Singh and Makarand Tapaswi},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2023}