katherinefernandes / ProjectAOOSD

Project for a DTU course.
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Project for a DTU course.


To run the project, use the executable.jar file in the executable_project folder. Simply opening the file will start the program without the simulation. To run the program with the simulation you will have to pass arguments to the executable.jar file from the command line. On windows you can open the executable_project folder in cmd and use the command

"java -jar executable.jar"

to run the program. If you want to run the simulation at default speed you can pass the parameter "true", for simulationOn = true. If you want to choose the simulation speed you can pass an extra number as an argument, for number of simulationHoursPerSecond.

So that to run the program with default simulation speed you type

"java -jar executable.jar true"

and to run the program with a simulation speed of 5 simulation hours per second you type

"java -jar executable.jar true 5"

The link to the demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt0INcFKDAY&feature=youtu.be