kathy-lee / astyx-vis

visualization of ASTYX automotive dataset (radar/lidar/camera)
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link

Visualization of Astyx automotive sensor dataset

A visualization tool for Astyx multi-sensor data.


  1. Prepare Astyx data

    download data from Astyx official sample data download page

  2. Set environment variable

    export AOD_HOME=/path/to/astyx/data/root/dir/
  3. Run scripts

    For annotation:

    python visualize_annotation.py -s START -n COUNT

    where START is the first frame ID index to start displaying, COUNT is the number of frames to display.

    For animation:

    python visualize_animation.py
  4. Keyboard Control (ONLY for annotation)

    left / up: previous data frame

    right / down: next data frame

Sample results