Tool for the League of Women Voters of Utah to collect data from the Utah Legistature web site
To install Ruby go to and use the windows installer Ruby 1.9.3-p448. All the of the Ruby gems are up-to-date with this install Do the default install
To install Ruby DevKit go to and install DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.2-20111229-1559-sfx.exe.
From the Ruby command line run the following
gem install selenium-webdriver gem install watir-webdriver gem install google_drive
That is everything that is needed to run the ruby script.
This scrub executable is only good for the 2014 legislative year. The Utah Legislative web developers changed the design
of the pages this year.
Place the Template and LoWV data spreadsheets in the base directory of the google drive.
Convert them to google docs.
The template and LoWV Data spreadsheets need to be accessable through the gmail account provided
To run the script
ruby scrub2014.rb
If the script fails with GoogleDrive::AuthenticationError then the gmail username/password failed