katriryt / ot-harjoitustyo

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Katakana no Geemu - Sudden Death

Purpose of the Katakana no Geemu - Sudden Death is to learn to read Japanese katakana symbols quickly in a fun and interactive way.

Katakana is one of the three Japanese syllabary, along with hiragana and kanji (and in some cases the Latin script (known as roomaji)).

The game is a modified version of a basic memory game (find the pairs game). The player needs to pick two cards with the same symbol from a set of turned over cards. There may be a few "Sudden death" cards included in the set of cards, which cause the player to lose team members (lives). As levels become more difficult, katakana characters become more difficult, and the number of cards and "Sudden death" cards is increased.



Install dependencies with the following command:

poetry install

Note: if you are running the program on Ubuntu, you may need to install Japanese fonts with the following command:

sudo apt install fonts-takao-mincho

Start the application with the following command:

poetry run invoke start


Get the latest release of the game.

Commands on the command line

Please see the relevant commands below.

Running the application

The application can be started with the following command:

poetry run invoke start


Tests can be run with the following command:

poetry run invoke test

Test coverage

An HTML-format test coverage report can be generated with the following command:

poetry run invoke coverage-report

The report is generated in the htmlcov folder.


Checks as defined by .pylintrc can be implemented with the following command:

poetry run invoke lint

autopep8 formatting

Formats code according to pep8 standard:

poetry run invoke format

Updated 16.5.2021