kauailabs / sf2

KauaiLabs Robotics Sensor Fusion Framework
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KauaiLabs Robotics Sensor Fusion Framework

SF2 Overview

The open source Kauai Labs Sensor Fusion Framework (SF2), a key component of the Build Better Robots® platform, is comprised of software libraries and tools enabling robot software developers to quickly and easily fuse data from various sensors, enabling several key new features for autonomous and driver-assisted navigation:

NOTE: The initial SF2 release includes support for Video Processing Latency Correction. Future releases are planned to add fusion algorithms including IMU Odometry and Robot Localization.

Designed to integrate easily into FRC and FTC Robot Control Systems, SF2:

SF2 works seamlessly with Kauai Labs Sensors (navX-MXP, navX-Micro) and supports multiple robot platforms including FIRST FRC robotics, FIRST FTC robotics and Linux/Windows-based robot control systems. SF2 is an open framework and can work with any third-party sensors which implement the SF2 sensor data source interface.

SF2 includes tutorials and examples with source code in several popular programming languages to streamline the integration of advanced sensor fusion into a robot control system.