kayazay / 8-week-sql-challenge

Scripted SQL queries to identify and solve business problems relating to customer churn, supply-demand imbalance, low profit turnover, etc. in industries ranging from health, telecommunications, to finance.
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Danny Ma's 8 Week SQL Challenge

😊 Welcome to Eze's first Github Repository.

* ### 💁‍♂️ [About Repo](https://github.com/kayazay/8-Week-SQL-Challenge/edit/main/README.md#%EF%B8%8F-about-repo) * ### 👀 [What To Expect](https://github.com/kayazay/8-Week-SQL-Challenge/edit/main/README.md#what-to-expect) * ### 📝 [References](https://github.com/kayazay/8-Week-SQL-Challenge/edit/main/README.md#references) --- ## 💁‍♂️ About Repo This repository serves as my entry to the 8 Week Serious SQL Challenge. Throughout the **Data with Danny** Serious SQL course there were several case studies, and datasets from various industries were presented to gain mastery of tricks, techniques and best practice methods of solving data problems with SQL. Concepts such as the following were rigorously explained with practice questions and brain teasers to drive the points home: * Common Table Expressions (CTEs); * Recursive CTEs; * Temporary tables, Views, Materialized views and Indexing; * Basic Joins; * Complex Joins - Cross Joins, Anti Joins, Left Semi Joins; * Window Functions; * GROUP BY clause; * REGEXP formatting techniques, and lots more. ## 👀 What to Expect? * In different ways, the concepts and tricks mentioned above would be featured in one or more of the scripts here. * Once completed, this repo would hold 8 folders - one for each case study - housing the SQL scripts that answer the questions in the challenges, as well as the corresponding DDLs of each schema. * There is also a README page in each folder that serves to explain each case study, and display the results of every query in the script. ## 📝 References

Check out the 8 Week SQL Challenge by Danny Ma yourself! https://8weeksqlchallenge.com/getting-started/
Follow here if you want to sign up for Danny's paid Serious SQL Course (I absolutely recommend this if you dont have a strong foundation in SQL) https://www.datawithdanny.com/

© 2022 Kingsley Izima